Colombia is experiencing a revival of dedication to God’s work, and we ask prayer that new servants will join this work every day. May the churches unite in a common vision. May our churches in Colombia find unity as we are divided into three regions that prevent us from thinking together and planning how best to work in Christ’s name. Please pray for the security and protection of our country in the face of ever-increasing violence. Many armed groups are taking the law into their own hands. May our leaders be in good health, for some of them are elderly and suffer from health problems, while others have no health insurance to cover their medical expenses. Finally, please pray that God will accompany us in our evangelistic activities and in the planting of new churches across the country, especially in Tolima, a department where we do not yet have a presence.
—Juan Francisco Novoa Duque, Iglesias Cristianas Hermanos Menonitas Region Central
Photo: Canva