PN-October-24-COP 16

Pray for world leaders, decision-makers, civil society and all participants who will gather for COP16 on biodiversity “Peace with Nature” in Cali, Colombia, 21 October – 1 November 2024. 
God’s “gathering up all things in heaven and on earth in Christ” (Eph 1:10) reminds us of our deep unity with the whole of creation, a unity of all things in Christ. We rejoice in creation’s beauty and its bounty. But we also share in God’s grief when creation suffers, especially when it is at our hands. 
So we confess and repent of our refusal to listen to the suffering of creation and our failure to live up to Jesus‘ mandate to us as disciples, namely, to proclaim the gospel of salvation to all creation (Mark 16:15).  
Photo: NEOM/Unsplash