
28 BIC Nepal church members‘ houses and the building for worship were destroyed in Rangeli Municipality, Morang District, Nepal, after an electric short circuit sparked a large fire.  

“Now they do not have any shelter to live and nothing left to eat except some burned rice and even most of their cooking vessels are damaged,” writes Shemlal Hembrom, general secretary of Nepal BIC Church/Brethren in Community Welfare Society. “Some people from the neighbouring village and the local youth club members have provided food to the victims. Other local organizations and local churches including BIC church Nepal have planned to provide one month’s food relief, utensil, cooking gas, a pair of clothes, beds, mattress, bed sheets and two plastic tents for temporary shelter to each family.  

“Please pray for all the fire victims and God may open the way specially to support our believers to rebuild their houses and the church building.— 

“Be merciful to me, O God; be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, until the destroying storms pass by.——Psalm 57:1