Please pray for Nepali government to rule without discrimination to Christian people and for the Christian community to serve God without fear. Please pray for economic resources in Nepal, especially for the BIC churches in Nepal who serve various community with the gospel through word and deed. Please pray for young people for their future and their lifestyle.
—submitted by Hanna Soren, Brethren in Christ, Nepal
Photo: Kris Garris
Our coming annual European Mennonite Leadership Conference will take place between17 and 20 October 2024 in Woking/Surrey, UK. We have 27 attendees from 14 European Conferences. Please remember the preparation of the program, also the travelling and the items we want to talk, specially the 2025/ 500 years preparation and also MERK 2026.
—submitted by José Arrais, MWC regional representative, Europe
Photo: Liesa Unger
The church in Ukraine continues to share the gospel despite the challenges of living amid war. There were camps for youth this summer.Chaplains continue to minister at the front where many are in need of inner healing. Praise God for the opportunity to minister side by side with pastors from other churches (denominations). Pray for deep spiritual nourishment and physical strength for the church leaders who seek to live out the vision the Beatitudes (Matthew 5-6).
Photo: Canva
Burkina Faso* is going through a dark period. On 24 August 2024, while the people of the village of Barsalogho, some 150 km from the capital Ouagadougou, were working together, they were attacked by terrorist assailants. More than 100 civilians and soldiers were killed. Around 150 people were injured.
The following day, Sunday 25 August 2024, while the country was mourning its dead, another attack took place in a village called Kounla in the north-west of the country. This massacre took place in a church, killing 26 men. After ordering the women and children out of the church, the terrorists executed 26 men.
The pastor of this church, who had studied with one of our pastors at the Maranatha Institute in Bobo-Dioulasso, was killed.
These cruel acts have a profoundly traumatic effect on women, children and many others. Let us pray for healing.
—Siaka Traoré, MWC regional representative, Central and West Africa.
*Burkina Faso was ranked first on the Global Terrorism Index in 2023.
Photo: Karla Braun
Pray for churches suffering persecution in India. Anti-Christian groups have tried to disrupt worship in Mennonite congregations in Raigarh and Durg (Chhattisgarh). Anti-conversion laws bring challenges to churches and harassment to new believers. Attempts are being made by some fundamentalist groups to confiscate and transfer church property for their own use.
Photo: Amosh Ganjboir
Pray for the upcoming presidential elections in the United States. Pray for wisdom especially in the Mennonite World Conference member churches, that as historic peace churches, they could counter polarization by demonstrating unity amid diversity, and care for the needs of others.
Photo: Canva
Pray for the growth of CITA (Community of Anabaptist Theological Institutions), comprising educational centres in various countries in the region with its joint Biblical and theological projects. Praise God for new courses, materials and knowledge exchange at the in-person CITA meetings, in Mexico City 19-22 February. Pray for the development of short lectures regarding Anabaptist history, and theological currents, in celebration of the500 anniversary of our faith family.
Photo: Canva
As we commemorate 500 years of Anabaptism, may we rightly remember our shared past.May we renew our commitments to following Jesus, living out unity in community with others, and building peace. May we also invest in our common witness with other members of Christ’s global body.
Pray for cultivation of an Anabaptist identity rooted in following Jesus together as church communities,becoming peacebuilders. Pray that we would reach across barriers that divide us, listening patiently to those with whom we disagree, and de-escalating violence. Pray for courage to confront injustice.
Photo: Irma Sulistyorini
Migration to the USA is negatively impacting those who stay, especially among younger people. Puerto Rico churches are becoming a retirement community for those who spend their working years in the USA and retire “back home—. The others struggle to keep their young leaders “at home” when they are inspired by better opportunities elsewhere.
Photo: Irma Sulistyorini
We ask for your prayers that God will help us to train young people and leaders who wish to proclaim the gospel here in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and also to plant new teams of young ambassadors for peace in the East of our country.
—Napoleon Chance, youth leader, …glise Adonai Bukavu, DR Congo
Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo
Pray for the social and economic needs in Cuba. There are fuel and energy shortages resulting in blackouts. Increasing food prices are a strain especially for pensioners. Many feel hopeless about the state of the country and some hope to emigrate for a better life. May God continue to touch the hearts of all those who help us unconditionally and keep supporting Cuba.
Photo: Diego Grandi/Getty Image