Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Differing acceptance of vaccination causes division in churches in Canada and the USA. This is a negative witness in the community. Pray that church members would follow Jesus example of loving their neighbour both inside and outside the church. 
    Photo: Flickr/ Baltimore County Government 

  • Forced displacement brought Mennonites to Kazakhstan during World War II, but there are no MWC member churches today. Pray for this country that has recently experienced protests and violence. 

  • Since the military seized power in Myanmar 2 February 2021 amid the coronavirus crisis, more than 2 000 protesters have been killed and civil resistance has shifted from peaceful to armed. The leader of Bible Missionary Church (an MWC national member church) reports church members have fled to the mountains to live in safety, but medicine, food and clothing are scarce. “We would like to express our sincere request for the vulnerable 404 families, especially for refugees of our BMC members. You are requested to get involved in your prayer for Myanmar.—

    Photo: Tim Proffitt-White / Flickr

    Read more

    A pastoral letter to the church in Myanmar

    Mennonites in Myanmar face desperate situation

  • Pray for the three Anabaptist synods in Indonesia: GITJ (Gereja Injili de Tanah Jawa – the oldest Anabaptist-Mennonite Global South conference in the world), GKMI (Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia) and JKI (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia). Pray for the churches‘ safety and witness in Indonesia, part of a small Christian minority in the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world. 

  • The Lord hears the prayers of his people. The churches in India praise God for fulfilling their day-to-day needs and keeping them safe. Many families lost their dear ones, yet the Lord granted his care and protection.  

    There have been natural calamities like flood, cyclone, untimely rain and sometimes no rain. Joblessness causes financial stress and many young people leave to search for employment. Pray for open doors to income generating projects. 

    Visitation to church and community members continue (heeding public health advice for safe interactions): Anabaptist-Mennonites bring the Word of God and prayer, hygiene items and food.  

    Praise God: BICC Odisha planted 10 new churches, two new house fellowships and baptize hundreds of new believers in 2021. 

    —Bijoy Roul, BICC Odisha; Paul Phinehas, Gilgal Mission Trust; Benjamin Nand, Mennonite Christian Service Fellowship 
    Photo: Henk Stenvers, 2018

    Read more:

    A pastoral letter to Anabaptist-Mennonites in India

    A pastoral letter to Anabaptist-Mennonites in India

  • Pray for Belarus and its neighbouring countries. Political upheaval and the country’s position as a gateway between Asia and Europe has resulted in a migration crisis. Anabaptist-Mennonite congregations in Lithuania, Germany and Austria seek wisdom about responding to migrants in their countries. Constantly fluctuating coronavirus infection rates add further complications to offering aid. Pray for churches to have courageous compassion.

  • Rainy season brings difficult weather in Southeast Asia. Pray for the Philippines recently struck by a typhoon and for Indonesia which sees more natural disasters in this season. Praise God for church agencies like GKMI’s Mennonite Diakonia Service in Indonesia which respond with material aid and the love of Christ.   

  • Pray that MWC member churches would be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit. May our churches experience individual and corporate renewal. May our hearts turn away from the allure of individualism, toward the call of God to act interdependently as God’s shalom builders in our communities. 

  • Dear Lord, as we enter this new year, steady our hearts to spread the gospel of peace. May we follow your Spirit as we work for transformation and justice in this world. Lord, give us courage to proclaim this message in word and action, especially in places where there is corruption, persecution and natural disasters. Thank you for Jesus‘ peacemaking example. 

  • Pray for the many MWC meetings in Indonesia in July 2022 – the member church delegates at the General Council, Commissions, MWC networks (mission, service, peace, education, health), and the global Assembly itself. Pray for health and safety of all participants. Pray that the Spirit will move in the midst of the gatherings, uniting and strengthening the body.

  • Pray for Brazil where the political situation is not good; radicalism, churches getting involved in politics that bring lots of conflicts, environment problems and inflation. 
    —Hans Gerhard Peters, AlianÁa Evangélica Menonita, Brazil 

  • Youth in Zambia struggle to find employment and many families do not have enough food, says Kaumba Samwangala, from Choma, Zambia. Pray that God’s hand may supply the needs through local church and government. 
    —Kaumba Samwangala, Batoka Primary School (BIC), Zambia