Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • We pray for the churches and servants of God to be protected from persecution in India.
    Photo: Sunderland Mennonite Church Dhamtari

  • We pray for a just peace in Ukraine. Pray for courage and perseverance for people in Russia who work for peace. Pray that refugees may find safety and welcome.

  • Associacão dos Irmãos Menonitas de Portugal (the MB church in Portugal) has been looking for a new place. Pray that God will guide them, and help them with the knowledge to deal with all this process and the funds to purchase another building.

    Two of their churches used to function in different buildings: one used to be an African-based church, and the other Portuguese. Both are now uniting to become one. Pray that this process will be smooth and healthy and that will see spiritual fruits from it, especially unity and love. During the month of August, they will have outreach activities every Saturday in the new location of Massam·.

    Pray that God will start meaningful relationships between the church and the neighborhood and that Christ will be known and accepted by many during the time. On 11 September 2022, they will have a big celebration to start the church year (which follows the school year): two teenagers will be baptized and there are more people interested. Pray for spiritual protection and that this day will be a day to witness Jesus to many of the non-believers that we intend to invite. May God bring some of them and impact their lives.

    There are new and young leaders in our team of church leaders, pray that God will bring maturity, faith, encouragement, wisdom, and especially team spirit and unity, as well as training opportunities.

    —ICOMB August Update

  • We pray that the churches may be instruments of peace, justice, and reconciliation for the people of Colombia.

    Photo:  José Antonio Vaca Bello, Ibagué Mennonite Church, Colombia.

  • We pray that Christians would seek the unity of the Spirit, showing grace and forbearance in a politically divided culture. 

    Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo 

  • Please pray for willing workers to serve the Lord, and for wisdom to take on the challenges of 2022. 
    —submitted by Susana Garrido, Uruguay

    Photo:Karla Braun

  • Renewing Spirit,
    Help your church to be open, in fidelity to the gospel of Jesus,
    to all possibilities in the coming of the new kinship – the kin-dom of God – on earth.
    Help us to align our ways to sharing, social cohesion,
    and symbiotic co-living between humans and the rest of creation;
    to see creation as a cosmic web of living beings,
    in which all creatures live in mutual interdependence.
    Help your church to abide in a harmonious bond between the Source of being and all things.
    —Nindyo Sasongko, Creation Care Task Force

  • Conflicts in some of our member churches continue to divide and discourage brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray that the armour of God as in Ephesians 6:14 will be put on and the armour of actions given in Galatians 5:20-21 will be laid down for the church to be an effective witness to Christ in India.
    —submitted by Cynthia Peacock, MWC regional representative, South Asia
    Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo

  • May we help each other in our task of witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, resisting conformation to the powers of evil, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. 
    Photo: Teo Kresna 

  • We pray for God’s help to continue as a koinonia that transcends barriers of nationality, race, class, gender, language – and time and space. We pray for connection: that online participants in Assembly would not experience technical problems and that they would encounter the Anabaptist-Mennonite family at the event. We pray for the planting and cultivating of friendships that make space to learn, encourage each other and be mutually transformed. May we help each other in our task of witnessing to God’s grace by serving others, caring for creation, resisting conformation to the powers of evil, and inviting all people to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. 
    Photo: Harry Unger 

  • As we gather in fellowship and hope, we remember our family who live in conflict and crisis: the Kasai and East regions of DR Congo, Myanmar, the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Ukraine, Colombia. Lord, have mercy. 
    Photo: Ebenezer Mondez

  • A message from a leader of an MWC member church in Myanmar:  

    Our country is affected by the global catastrophe: we are suffering from extreme poverty and hunger due to international economic sanctions and internal unrest from war.  
    We plead for special prayer for the 51 families of our missionaries and church planters and the 415 families of our congregation members. They have left their homes and stay in forest. They have been not able to support their livelihood for a long time. Food shortage is the great challenge.   
    Please pray for us. We believe that prayer can make a difference.  
    In this most difficult time of turmoil in Myanmar, God has opened a great door for evangelization. This is the most rewarding time of our mission fields. God is still on the throne. 

    Photo supplied