Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Please pray for Brethren in Christ Church Zimbabwe:

    • Pray for the church at large for growth both spiritually and numerically
    • For the newly consecrated Bishop to serve with a godly heart.
    • Pray for political stability and economy as this has effects on the church at large.
    • Pray for the youths to be saved and contained in the Lord in an era of drug and substance abuse prevalence.
    • Thank God and celebrate with us on the good rains that we have received so far.

    Photo: Tiz Brotosudarmo

    praying, Africa

  • Pray for the migration of people seeking a better life in other countries. Pray for the families who are searching for their loved ones who have gone missing due to organized crime and human trafficking.
    —Rebeca González Torres, Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas Anabautistas Menonitas de México, México
    Photo: Ebenzer Mondez

    prayer group

  • 500 years ago, courageous men and women defied the powers in their society to follow their convictions as they understood Scripture in new ways. In the birthplace of Anabaptism, this faith continues to be nurtured through our churches. Pray for new ways for members to live out the courage to love, to share the Spirit of God with others.
    Photo: Karla Braun

    Zurich cityscape

  • Please pray for our churches in Costa Rica. May the churches be able to respond to the various needs of the families and to address the children holistically. Also, may we be able to revisit doctrinal, ethical issues, along with our Anabaptist identity as we take on the challenge of the next convention.
    —Cindy Alpízar, Asociación Iglesias Cristianas Menonitas de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
    Photo: Ebenezer Mondez

    prayer group

  • We pray for Kikubya Mennonite Church. A vibrant congregation with some 60 adult members, many of whom migrated to Uganda from Rwanda in the 1950s, they have been affected by the pounding rains that have buffeted Uganda over several months. Some 15 families lost crops or houses in floodwaters, and the church building was severely damaged in September. In addition to hosting Sunday services, the building also hosts midweek fellowships that have been key to the congregation’s growth. Please uphold people throughout Uganda which suffer from the ongoing disaster of excess rains.
    —Bishop Simon Okoth, Mennonite Church Uganda
    Photo: Simon Okoth

  • Young adults with a good education can not secure employment opportunities; those in business are finding their businesses to be insolvent; confusion in the health sector is causing haphazard deaths; the education sector is also in disarray fast approaching unknowns in the year 2025. The Church and the general public trust no more the government’s ability to deliver promises made just before the 2022 general election. The list is long enough but we still trust in the almighty Father to carry us through the numerous challenges. Please pray for the wisdom to know when to rest in faith and when to act on faith.
    —Bishop Samson Omondi, moderator, Kenya Mennonite Church
    Photo: Len Rempel

  • Planting season in Zambia is usually November-December with harvest in May-June. Pray for abundant rainfall to avert drought and for a bumper harvest. May there be enough food for all Zambians to eat.
    —Cecilia Siabusu Muntanga, Brethren in Christ Church, Chilenje congregation

  • Pray for South Korea in the aftermath of a presidential impeachment. May the people demand both peace and justice as they respond to the political instability.

  • Pray for Ukraine. Amid the ongoing war, the Mennonite Brethren churches continue to share the hope of the gospel with those around them through practical help and spiritual encouragement. Pray for their own spirits to be encouraged and strengthened.

    Photo: Clay Banks/Unsplash

  • We pray for Ecuador, a small and beautiful country located on the equator. We are living through a time of much violence, uncertainty, and deepening poverty. We ask that God may have mercy on us and help all those well-intentioned people working to sow seeds of peace, justice and hope. May these seeds germinate and grow strong so that they overcome all fear and hopelessness to produce a present and a future filled with peace, justice, and bread.

    —Alexandra Meneses, Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Quito, Ecuador

    Photo: Iglesia Menonita Casa de Oracion, Ecuador

  • From 25-29 November 2024, five MWC leaders, one MC Canada staff member and 17 pastors from Bible Missionary Church, Mennonite in Myanmar met in Chiang Mai, Thailand for a solidarity visit.

    The pastors requested prayer:

    • For courage and skill to preach the gospel of peace.
    • For the pastors to be faithful servants despite the persecution.
    • For the soldiers who are also suffering.

  • We live in a world of great beauty, but also in a world under threat.

    Lord, we come to you in our fragility, trusting in your loving care and providence.
    Please receive our prayers…

    • for those impacted by and living in fear of wildfires in California, USA, and in any other regions of the world;
    • for all your creatures threatened and fleeing from fire and destruction;
    • for those who have lost their homes, their places of worship and work.

    —Juliana Morillo, Teusaquillo Mennonite Church in Bogotá.

    Photo: Henrique Malaguti/Unsplash