Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    The second workshop of this three-part series will look at current struggles of Indigenous Peoples and how MWC member churches and/or related organizations are walking with and standing in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and their ongoing struggles. 

    Presenters: Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA). Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair, a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc. Tala Bautista is a member of Peacebuilders Community Inc. in the Philippines. Wendy Kroeker is a member of Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and chair of GAPN. Katerina Friesen is a staff person at Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (USA), a member of a Mennonite Church USA congregation, and pastor of a Wild Church. (hybrid)

    Supporting document: Statement of solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

  • Indonesia 2022: workshop

    This three-part series explores the document that the Mennonite World Conference General Council approved in Kenya 2018.


    Andrew Suderman is MWC Peace Commission secretary and a member of St. Jacob’s Mennonite Church (Mennonite Church Canada) and of Shalom Mennonite Congregation (Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA).

    Joji Pantoja is MWC Peace Commission chair, a Mennonite Church Canada Witness worker in the Philippines and founding member of Peacebuilders Community Inc.

    Tala Bautista is a member of Peacebuilders Community Inc. in the Philippines.

    Wendy Kroeker is a member of Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and chair of GAPN.

    Katerina Friesen is a staff person at Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (USA), a member of a Mennonite Church USA congregation, and pastor of a Wild Church. (hybrid)

    The first workshop explores the MWC Declaration of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples document. It offers a glimpse into the background of this document, including the struggle of the Wounaan People and the way in which they, through their request, served as impetus for the crafting of this document. It also highlights the development of the document and the way it has been used thus far. 

    Indonesia 2022: workshop

    The second workshop of this three-part series looks at current struggles of Indigenous Peoples and how MWC member churches and/or related organizations are walking with and standing in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and their ongoing struggles. 

  • In the world today there are still some countries that have mandatory military conscription, and there is a wide variety of policies toward conscientious objectors. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 18) states that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. In addition to the Christian foundation for exemption from military service expressed in this document, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides a legal framework for protecting conscience against war. 

    Our hope and desire is for these provisions to be made accessible to all members of society who for reasons of conscience cannot take part in military service or training.

  • Dhuh Pangeran / Oh Prince of Peace

    by Saptojoadi Sardjono

  • Verse 1: Esuno Kokoro uchini (The heart of Jesus is reflected in my heart)

    Verse 2: Esuno Heiwa uchini (I have the peace of Jesus in my heart).

    Composer and performer:

    Mitsuru Ishido is a church leader with Tokyo Chiku Menonaito Kyokai Rengo, an MWC member church in Japan.

  • MWC general secretary César García and president J. Nelson Kraybill take encouragement from 1 Peter in the midst of COVID-19.

    MWC COVID-19 GS and president

  • Be strong and courageous – Joshua 1:9

    Regional representative Jeremiah Choi speaks with MWC general secretary César García

    COVID-19 Hong Kong
  • Executive Committee Europe representative Wieteke van der Molen shares an update from the Mennonite church in the Netherlands.

    COVID-19 Netherlands

  • Report on the Consultation on Believers’ Baptism

    Participants in the Consultation on Baptism in Kingston, Jamaica 08-10 January 2015

  • Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversations 2012–2017

    It was with the twin goals of increasing mutual understanding and helping one another grow in faithfulness to Jesus Christ that a trilateral dialogue took place between Lutherans, Mennonites and Roman Catholics, from 2012 to 2017. Over the course of the five year period, the dialogue followed the well-established interchurch conversation method of annual one week meetings hosted successively by the communions. At each meeting papers were presented by delegation members as the trilateral commission explored the respective understandings of key theological and pastoral themes related to baptism and incorporation into the body of Christ.

  • Report on Conversations between the Baptist World Alliance and the Mennonite World Conference


  • Being Anabaptist Christians Today (1993)

    Mennonite World Conference General Council Meeting
    Africa Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Women’s Gathering
    Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 14–21 July 1993

    Gathered together from thirty-eight countries and many contexts at Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) these days in mid-July 1993, we have shared stories and testimonies which cause us to examine our own cultures in light of the gospel. Truly we have been a community seeking to discern and interpret faithfully God’s Word for our time.