Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Transmission is the title given to a series of 5 films of 10 minutes which present Anabaptist thought to people around the world to encourage a life of faith created by Affox AG, a multimedia production company. We would like to do this by providing a glimpse at the journeys we experience as disciples of Jesus in different parts of the world. It is our hope however, to strengthen our sense of shared identity and community in the midst of all the diversity present throughout the Anabaptist body. Young people represent one of the important target audiences.

    Find also a study guide for sharing questions about the film in small group or youth groups.

    Transmission 2024 Peace & Justice

    “We live in a complicated world. Erosion of trust and breakdown in relationships are all too common. The good news is that as abundant as conflict may be, so is the commitment within Anabaptist Mennonite communities around the world to follow Jesus’ call to work for justice and to make peace,” says Max Wiedmer, producer of Transmission.

    “We as producers came face-to-face with the complexities of making peace,” says Max Wiedmer. The film explores “what it means to be faithful to Jesus’ call to love our neighbours and to love our enemies.”

    Transmission 2023 Migration

    Transmission 2023 – English

    “How worldwide migration an displaced persons are being supported by loving and caring people.” This global phenomenon is the subject of 2023’s Transmission video.

    In this video, young Mennonites in Greece, Lebanon, Colombia, USA and DR Congo share about their work of welcoming displaced persons.

    Transmission 2022 Latin America

    Transmission 2022 – English

    The third production in the Transmission series focusing on creation care is ready for viewing. Ophelia, a Swiss woman, after living and working in Costa Rica, wondered what she could learn from her contemporaries in Latin America on the subject. The production includes stories from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras. This production ends with challenge triggered by an enterprise in the Netherlands as a way of inspiring all viewers, young and old to think and act boldly and with vision when it comes to creation care. 

    Transmission 2021 Indonesia

    Transmission 2021 – English

    In Transmission, Hani and Adi share amazing faith journeys while they relate as Mennonites (a small minority) and Muslims (a large majority) in Indonesia. Hani reflects on how she sees the face of God in the people (both Muslim and Christian) she encounters in the remote village of Tempur, high in the mountains of Jepara. Adi introduces us to the power of interfaith dialogue and the resulting transformation of Solo from a city of violence to a city of peace. 

    From Indonesia we jump to the Netherlands where the relationship between Anabaptists and Muslims is impacted by a Muslim minority.  

    Canadians, Europeans, and Indonesians worked together to bring this unique production to life. 

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020

    Transmission 2020 – English

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020 introduces its audiences to the Meserete Kristos Church through their experience with persecution (and freedom of religion), spiritual maturity, the place of youth in the church, the importance of music and prayer life. In this case, SalomŽ, a French young adult reflects (after her return to France from her visit to Ethiopia), on what she learned from her peers and elders in the church. 

    We hope to gain a young generation of people who will be involved in making the next in the series and the final 90-minute documentary which we hope to expand to a secular audience in 2025. For the moment, we are targeting the Christian world.

    Video in English, Spanish, French, German, Amharic subtitles

    –release by Affox AG

    Transmission 2020 – Amharic
  • MWC celebrates linguistic diversity!

    “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability” (Acts 2:4)
    Pray the Lord’s Prayer with these young people in Plauttdietsch, Spanish, Hindi, French, Indonesian & Tagalog

  • Mennonite World Conference Assembly 17.
    A compilation of speeches and greetings from Indonesia 2022.

    Erratum: The statistics on page 105 contain an mistake. Onsite participants (full-time) from Africa at Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 should read 49.

    We apologize for the error.


  • Opening Prayer

    Invitation to Trust

    When dangers invade our sense of safety and we wonder if our Redeemer cares, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When we face job loss and financial downturns, and our sense of security is shaky, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When our congregations experience distress, conflict, and loss of significant leadership, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When controversial issues and rigidity of spirit threaten to tear at the very fabric of the faith community, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm.

    When our lives feel chaotic and desolate because of illness or sorrow, we hear the invitation:
    Be at peace. Be calm

    Help us to know, O God, that the one who calmed the dangerous sea is present with us, cares for us, and can calm the stormy waters of our lives.
    Help us to trust more fully and more deeply in you.
    We pray in the name of Jesus, who invites us to be at peace.
    —Connie R. Burkholder, Monitor Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas, USA. Used by permission.


    You who are weary

    Do not be afraid!

    You who are fed up

    Do not be afraid!

    God is present in your suffering.
    God will calm the winds and waves of your soul!
    —“Prayer” by Junius Dotson reprinted from The Africana Worship Book Year B, eds. Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua. Copyright © 2007 by Discipleship Resources. Used by permission.

    Worship service at La Voie du Salut in Guinea. Photo: Guilvogui


    Intercessions in time of crisis

    God of mercy, God of comfort, we come before you in this time of difficulty, mindful of human frailty and need, confused and struggling to find meaning in the face of suffering.

    We are grateful that even as we share in the joy of Christ Jesus, we can also share abundantly in comfort in the midst of suffering.

    For victims of fire or flood, storm or earthquake, famine or disease, For those whom disaster has left homeless, injured, or bereaved, For refugees and those separated from loved ones, (The liturgist may add specific petitions relating to the immediate crisis.) For all who are in danger, trouble, or anguish,

    We ask the presence and strength of your Spirit.

    Give all who suffer the love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    We know that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because your love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

    Be the support of all who give their strength, their skill, and their stamina in a ministry of mercy.

    Open our hearts in generosity that we may be partners in their commitment to bring relief.

    Where tempers flare and a partisan spirit provokes new hostility, raise up people who have patience and restraint.

    Where indifference allows crisis to deepen and suffering to go without relief, awaken deliverers who have zeal and strength.

    We pray for those who are engaged in making important decisions in this time, for those who report on these events, and for those who shape public opinion.

    Give them the courage to speak out and the restraint to listen, that together we may discern the truth and hold aloft its light.

    Take away the temptation to trust in human power and military solutions, and give us the courage to be your servants to the community of nations.

    Direct all governments in the way of peace and justice, that your will may be known and done among the nations. Deliver us from the sins which lead to war and conict, and strengthen within us the will to establish righteousness and justice on the earth.

    We pray for those who are suffering and can make no sense of tragedy.

    Help them to turn to the One who embraces us in our lives – even Jesus Christ, who lived and suffered among us.

    There is no one who is righteous, not even one, for we have all turned away from you. Make us aware of our common need of a Savior, and remove from our hearts the pride, ambition, and greed that would lead us to enslave and demean other people.

    Have mercy on your whole creation. Hasten the day when the kingdom of the world shall become your Kingdom, and by grace make us worthy to stand before you. Amen.
    —Reprinted from 1995 Moravian Book of Worship with the permission of the Interprovincial Board of Communication, Moravian Church in America. © 1995 IBOC.

    Member churches around the world celebrated Peace Sunday 2021 using Mennonite World Conference’s Peace Sunday worship resource: “Finding hope and healing in crisis.” Photo: Ashish Kumar Milap

    A prayer for storm survivors. 

    The words in regular print are spoken by one voice. The words in bold print are spoken by all.

    Jesus, we see you calming stormsstorm tossed seas and stormy lives.
    Extend your power and grace again, especially upon these most recent storm victims.
    Speak peace and healing over bodies and spirits broken by the chaos.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and hope over families and communities devastated by sudden loss.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and unity over diverse groups of people so they would come together
    for greater provision, just distribution, and effective rebuilding.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    Speak peace and protection over rescue workers as they reach out to those who are suffering.
    Jesus, speak peace.

    You are the Prince of Peace. You are the Resurrection and the Life.
    You are strong to save. Our hope and trust are in you. Amen.

    —Rev Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia is a United Methodist minister in the United States. This prayer was posted to her blog on Christian practices,

  • Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday worship resources available here

    In 2022, we found new ways to follow Jesus together across barriers. 

    • We crossed barriers of travel restrictions and distance to come together for our Assembly in 2022.  
    • We crossed national church barriers to meet together, encounter new partners and make decisions by consensus in 2022.  
    • We crossed barriers of time and space to love our neighbours in the name of Christ.  
    • We crossed barriers of inequality by providing teaching resources.  

    We find strength to follow Jesus best when we follow Jesus together. 

    Click here to download video to show to your congregation 

  • This year, the global pandemic forced us to rethink how we do our jobs, how we meet as congregations to worship and even how we connect in relationships. Yet, as we adjusted to new realities, we found news ways of following Jesus Christ, our hope.


    Click here to download video to show to your congregation

    See also abridged video below (3:13)

    Year in Review abridged
  • These are the people planning  the MWC Assembly 17 in Indonesia.

    Chief International Event Coordinator

    Liesa Unger / Germany


    English Assistant (Part-Time)

    Rianna Isaak-Krau§/

    Indonesian Assistant (Full-Time)

    Lydia Suyanti / Indonesia

    Logistics Team

    National Co-Coordinator

    Sarah Yetty / Indonesia

    National Co-Coordinator

    headshot of Agus Setianto

    Agus Setianto / Indonesia

    Logistics Assistant

    Simon Setiawan / Indonesia

    Program Team

    Workshops (Volunteer)

    Estafanos Gedlu / Ethiopia

    Plenary Session (Volunteer)

    headshot of Frieder Boller

    Frieder Boller / Germany

    Youth Program (Volunteer)

    Jardely Martinez / Colombia

    Global Church Village (Volunteer)

    Jessica Mondal / India

    Children’s Program (Volunteer)

    Jennifer McWilliams / Canada

    Music (Volunteer)

    Benjamin Bergey / USA


    Ananda Mohan Murnu / India


    Sunil Kadmaset / India

    Registration Team

    Registration Coordinator

    Nelson Miguel Martinez Castillo / Colombia

    Registration Assistant

    Rut Arsari / Indonesia

    Registration Assistant (Finances)

    Lorenzo Fellycyano / Indonesia

    Registration Assistant (Communication/Materials)

    Ebenezer Mondez / Philippines

    Registration Assistant (Information Technology)

    Preshit Rao / India


    Natacha Wendyam Kendrebeogo / Burkina Faso

    Communication and Fundraising Team

    Communication & Marketing Coordinator

    Jardely Martinez / Colombia

    Communication & Marketing Coordinator

    Michael Darby / Colombia

    Church Relations & Fundraising Coordinator

    Daniel K Trihandoyo / Indonesia


    Loyce Twongirwe / Uganda


    Jennifer Olivia / Indonesia

    Volunteer Coordination

    Volunteer Coordinator

    Tigist Tesfaye / Ethiopia

    Translation and Interpretation Team

    Translation and Interpretation Coordinator

    headshot of Karina Derksen Schrock

    Karina Derksen-Schrock / USA

    Indonesian Language Coordinator

    Ary Rusdianto / Indonesia

    Read about the Assembly Staff News here

  • Assembly 17, Indonesia 2022 Video Workshops

    Mennonite World Conference Assembly
    Asamblea del Congreso Mundial Menonita
    Rassemblement de la Conference Mondiale Mennonite

    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Describing my family
    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Describing where you’re from
    Learning Indonesian with MWC – Greetings
    Indonesia Episode 1: Greetings
  • Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs

    Dalam Yesus kita bersaudara / In Jesus Christ, we are one family
    unknown, anon
    Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570

    Dalam Yesus kita bersaudara (3)
    Sekarang dan selamanya
    Dalam Yesus kita bersaudarra.

    In Jesus Christ, we are one family (3)
    Now and forevermore are we
    In Jesus Christ, we are one family.

    En Jesús somos una familia (3x)
    ahora y siempre ya
    En Jesús somos una familia.

    En Jésus-Christ, nous sommes une seule famille (3x)
    pour toujours et à jamais
    En Jésus-Christ, nous sommes une seule famille.

  • Worship

    Worship is a time when church members come together to pray, sing, read Scripture, share with each other, and give praise to God. It can be a time of fellowship, restoration, comfort, celebration, or a call for renewed action. Believers can worship in a church building, in a home, or in a boat – worship can happen anywhere!

    “Worship” from Let the Children Come to Me: Nurturing Anabaptist Faith within Families by Lisa Weaver and Elizabeth Miller; Design by Judith Rempel Smucker. Cascadia Publishing House (2019). Used with permission.