Global Anabaptist Primary and Secondary Education Network member meeting
Meeting chair: Elaine Moyer
28 February 2025
Languages: English, Español, Français
Previous Webinars
2024 Webinars
Towards an Asian Decolonization of the Biblical Hermeneutics on Peace
Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar
Speaker: Daniel K. Listijabudi, PhD
24 October 2024
Languages: English, Español
Succession in Service: Preparing the Next Wave of Mission Leaders
Global Mission Fellowship webinar
Speaker: Ebenezer M, Tigist G, C. Daniel S, Galen B.
23 October 2024
Languages: English, Español, Français
The Hope of Christian Witness/Mission in a Polarized World
Global Mission Fellowship webinar
Speaker: Nelson Kraybill, Sibonokuhle Ncube, Eladio Mondez
27 June 2024
Languages: English, Español, Français
Decolonizing Peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel: A Palestinian Christian Perspective
Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar
Speaker: Anthony Khair
13 March 2024
Languages: English, Español
The values of God’s Kingdom are communicated and applied to the socio-political and cultural realities of the Palestinian people
Global Anabaptist Educators Network webinar
Speaker: Rev Dr Jack Sara
11 March 2024
Languages: English, Español
Sharing best practices of self-help groups in the Child and Youth Development Project
Global Anabaptist Service Network webinar
Speakers: Mr Abdi Dubale, Mr Dejene Gurmessa
27 February 2024
Languages: English, Español, Français
Climate Pollinators webinar series – North America focus
Creation Care Task Force webinar
Moderator: Anna Vogt, Jennifer Halteman Schrock
13 February 2024
Languages: English, Español
Climate Pollinators webinar series – Latin America focus
Creation Care Task Force webinar
Moderator: Juliana Morillo
16 January 2024
Languages: English, Español
Overcoming Racism in the Church: Reflections on Theology and Practice in Europe
Global Anabaptist Peace Network webinar
Speaker: Lydia Funck
11 January 2024
Languages: English, Español, Français
Our member churches are like the many pieces of a mosaic. Each piece is different, but together we form one beautiful mosaic. Thank you to everyone in our churches supporting MWC. #mwcmm #followingJesus #livingoutunity #buildingpeace
“Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not a gap between rich and poor, but where economic equality exists between all people.
“Let’s think as citizens of a new nation in which there is not racial discrimination, but where cultural diversity is affirmed and celebrated.
“Let’s continue experiencing the reality of this new kingdom among us today.
“Let’s continue sending micro-communities that live out this kind of mission. Our church is called to be a foretaste of the kingdom! That is our mission!”
César García, Mennonite World Conference’s general secretary, lays out this vision and calling in God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective.
This issue of Courier shares stories of how MWC’s Network members equip the church to live out this foretaste of the kingdom:
In Benin, the doors of Casa Grande are open wide to welcome orphans into a home of love, offer an education and equip with vocational skills for both economic and environmental sustainability.
In India, graduates from Little Flock Discipleship School are transforming remote village with education and a message of hope from Jesus.
In Spain, a diverse collection of Anabaptist-related churches minister to the needs in their local contexts, and come together for fellowship and inspiration despite their different origins.
In Paraguay, ASCIM is reaching into Indigenous communities with trained care workers who show the love of Jesus through medical treatment and vocational training.
In North America, Mennonite Disaster Service crosses international boundaries and draws together volunteers from every Anabaptist stripe as they rebuild homes after disasters.
These testimonies provide a taste of how Anabaptist churches around the world are living out mission. Members of the Mission Commission and the steering committees of the Global Anabaptist Service Network and Global Mission Fellowship also reflect on the purpose of their Networks. They not only encourage each other and learn together, they also attempt to live out this new nation under Christ where diversity is celebrated and equality is practiced.
— Karla Braun is editor of Courier and editor, writer and website coordinator for Mennonite World Conference. She lives in Winnipeg, Canada.
The first baptisms in the Anabaptist tradition took place in secret in Zurich, Switzerland, on 21 January 1525. A small group of Jesus-followers acted together with courage on their shared understanding of Scripture and the church, different from their political and religious context. Today there are churches all over the world in the Anabaptist tradition, acting together with courage to love each other, different from our political and religious contexts that too often pull us apart.
Transmission is the title given to a series of 5 films of 10 minutes which present Anabaptist thought to people around the world to encourage a life of faith created by Affox AG, a multimedia production company. We would like to do this by providing a glimpse at the journeys we experience as disciples of Jesus in different parts of the world. It is our hope however, to strengthen our sense of shared identity and community in the midst of all the diversity present throughout the Anabaptist body. Young people represent one of the important target audiences.
Find also a study guide for sharing questions about the film in small group or youth groups.
Transmission 2023 Migration
“How worldwide migration an displaced persons are being supported by loving and caring people.” This global phenomenon is the subject of 2023’s Transmission video.
In this video, young Mennonites in Greece, Lebanon, Colombia, USA and DR Congo share about their work of welcoming displaced persons.
The third production in the Transmission series focusing on creation care is ready for viewing. Ophelia, a Swiss woman, after living and working in Costa Rica, wondered what she could learn from her contemporaries in Latin America on the subject. The production includes stories from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras. This production ends with challenge triggered by an enterprise in the Netherlands as a way of inspiring all viewers, young and old to think and act boldly and with vision when it comes to creation care.
In Transmission, Hani and Adi share amazing faith journeys while they relate as Mennonites (a small minority) and Muslims (a large majority) in Indonesia. Hani reflects on how she sees the face of God in the people (both Muslim and Christian) she encounters in the remote village of Tempur, high in the mountains of Jepara. Adi introduces us to the power of interfaith dialogue and the resulting transformation of Solo from a city of violence to a city of peace.
From Indonesia we jump to the Netherlands where the relationship between Anabaptists and Muslims is impacted by a Muslim minority.
Canadians, Europeans, and Indonesians worked together to bring this unique production to life.
Transmission Ethiopia 2020 introduces its audiences to the Meserete Kristos Church through their experience with persecution (and freedom of religion), spiritual maturity, the place of youth in the church, the importance of music and prayer life. In this case, Salom, a French young adult reflects (after her return to France from her visit to Ethiopia), on what she learned from her peers and elders in the church.
We hope to gain a young generation of people who will be involved in making the next in the series and the final 90-minute documentary which we hope to expand to a secular audience in 2025. For the moment, we are targeting the Christian world.
Video in English, Spanish, French, German, Amharic subtitles
Kintsukuroi: The broken vessel is often more beautiful than the original
Why this theme was chosen
2 Corinthians 4:7 describes the gospel as a “treasure” in “clay jars.” These humble vessels bring to mind the Japanese tradition of kintsukuroi that creates (or recreates) pottery from broken pieces. Damaged vessels are put back together, often with gold binding, to create a useful object once again. The new piece tells a story about the past and is infused with glory that is greater than the former, as in Haggai 2:9.
While he was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers were standing outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, ÒLook, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.Ó But to the one who had told him this, Jesus replied, ÒWho is my mother, and who are my brothers?Ó And pointing to his disciples, he said, ÒHere are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. (Matthew 12:46-50, NRSVU).
Amos Ganjboir, Rajendra Masih and Hoshanna made the background for the Peace Sunday activity at Bethel Mennonite Church, Balodgahan, India. Photo: Ashish Kumar Milap
Many years ago, I sat in a family psychology class at a university in Colombia. One of the tools we were learning involved drawing our Òsocial network.Ó
The exercise was to imagine yourself going through a rough time in life, and then draw Ð using different symbols Ð the people that you would identify as part of your network of support. You would include both people that you recognized as very close to you and people who were perceived to be a bit more distant yet somehow present in times of unrest. This sense of proximity/distance was then reflected in the drawing. The closest people were depicted near to the centre of the paper, while people that were perceived as more distant were depicted farther away from the centre.
One of the areas of attention of this exercise was family Ð and the function that family members play as network of support. As we completed the exercise, it was fascinating to see the different family compositions and shapes among us. Some would draw friends as family: my classmates felt as though these friends were so close that they could be perceived as family. Others would not include one of their parents or relatives at all since they were not perceived as supportive or perhaps because the relation was damaged or broken.
The result was that all families were unique! None of the drawings were equal to the others.
If we were to do this exercise in our congregations, the likely outcome would also be different family drawings and images: they would be diverse and they are all part of us!
Seeing this, the professor asked: what is family and who gets to be part of it?
After some student responses were discussed, the professor concluded: family is not so much about sharing DNA as it is about perception, about the quality of the bonds with people.
In other words, it was more important to identify what people perceived to be their ÒfamilyÓ in moments of distress than knowing with whom they were biologically or legally related.
This response draws me back to Matthew 12 and how Jesus challenges and re-draws some of the images of family that we have.
First, as we can see from Jesus’ own question and response regarding who his mother and siblings are, family is not prescribed by a given biological or legal structure but shaped by the quality of relationships.
Instead of using the common images about parenthood or siblinghood of his time, Jesus focuses the attention more on relationships with his disciples and followers. Jesus emphasizes how those relationships are so significant that they can be described as family bonds. Seeking to witness to God’s will seems to be an important factor for people to join in the ÒfamilyÓ that Jesus refers to.
As we live in a world that gives so much attention to certain images of family (forgetting how social construction has shaped our ideas of who is included and what a family is supposed to be) we tend to lose sight of what lies at the centre: relationships. The quality of the relationships Ð not a given structure or composition Ð is what makes a ÒfamilyÓ a space in which people can embody just and peaceful relationships with one another, witnessing to God’s shalom.
To emphasize justice and peace as God’s will is something we have learned from many AnabaptistMennonite siblings of faith in different times and contexts. In this regard, it is not surprising that we can refer to our communities and congregations as ÒchosenÓ families, as parents and siblings with whom we have committed to walk and who have committed to walk with usÑas we seek to witness to God’s will together.
At Hastings Chapel, Kolkata, India (a Bharatiya Jukta Christo Prachar Mandli congregation), members share ÒfruitsÓ on which they have written how the church is an expression of hope in the midst of external turmoil. Photo: Madhur Lakra
Secondly, family is not characterized by the absence of conflict or tension, but more about how these are addressed.
Just like the exercise in the psychology class, the key question was not about whether the family relations were conflict-free but rather about how close we perceive other family members to be Ð especially when we look for support. This means that the bonds of family are truly tested amid rough times and experiences, and how those are handled.
Disagreements and tensions existed among the disciples and between the disciples and Jesus. Some of those are reported in the biblical stories. The existence of these differences did not compromise Jesus’ perception of parenthood and siblinghood with his disciples and followers. According to Jesus’ words, what enabled this sense of familiarity beyond conflicts and tensions is the honesty and depth of our attempts to discern God’s will in the midst of conflict.
Discerning God’s will and how to witness to it is not always easy within our global Anabaptist-Mennonite family.
On many occasions, there are different perceptions as to how that witness should be embodied and what it implies in different contexts. And yet, in deciding to walk together as followers of Jesus, there is a commitment and willingness to deal with tensions and conflicts in ways that are consistent with God’s shalom.
To emphasize the quality of the relationships as a key dimension to understand what it means to be a family implies to be conscious about the constant need to nurture and care for our relationships. While at times we could be more distant Ð or perceive the other as distant Ð there is always the possibility to come closer again, to change the dynamics.
Restoration, healing and reconciliation are signs of this. They are possible gifts to be experienced as we engage actively in recognizing the existence of wounds and seeking to heal them Ð being transformed in this process.
In Colombia, members of an Iglesias Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia (MB) congregation write down how the church is an expression of hope in the midst of external turmoil. Photo: Juan Francisco Novoa
And third, being family is a dynamic process, not a static reality.
Another implication of seeing how Jesus emphasizes family as people who witness to God’s will is that the borders of family can be redrawn. We can relate with and find new relations in others who are also seeking to witness to God’s will. People with other backgrounds, from other contexts, congregations, churches may all be family as they witness to God’s purpose.
We can neither contain nor restrict God’s will. That means our family can always be bigger than we expect or imagine it to be.
When we think about witnessing to God’s shalom, we are reminded that ÒpeaceÓ is not merely an Anabaptist-Mennonite theme. It is rather God’s will, which means that it can be embodied and embraced among different people. In that sense, people from other denominations and faiths can also witness to God’s peace, and are, therefore, our potential relatives. They can be our Òaunts,Ó Òuncles,Ó Òcousins,Ó in an enlarged image of family.
May our God of peace guide and strengthen us as we nurture bonds with an ever-growing family of siblings and relatives who are discerning God’s will.
Mennonite churches in Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country located in Central Africa, inhabited by nearly 80 million people, belonging to500 tribes and living on a surface of 2 345 410 square kilometers. The country experienced two waves of evangelism. The first evangelism occurred during the15thcentury through the first European explorers. This evangelism did not produce appreciable results. The missionaries’ collaboration with the colonizers for slavery, the lack of the Gospel in local languages, the fighting between tribes, and the traditional religions were some of the main cause of its failure. As for the second evangelism, it refers to the era of missionary organizations. The American Baptist Mission (ABMFS) was the first organization to launch its ministry in 1878 in the Congo Central, in the west of the country.
Among the missionary societies that followed, one can quote the Congo Inland Mission (CIM), a mission society founded by American Mennonites. The work that CIM started in the Congo in the 19th century has resulted in about 250 000 Congolese Mennonites belonging to three different denominations: the Communaut des Eglises des Frres Mennonites au Congo (CEFMC), the Communaut Evanglique Mennonite (CEM) and the Communaut Mennonite au Congo (CMCo).
Congolese Mennonites initiatives
Anabaptist-Mennonite churches in DR Congo preach a holistic gospel. This is why, everywhere they are established, they build chapels, but also schools, clinics or hospitals, colleges or universities. They are also involved in peace building and reconciliation initiatives with the support provided by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Mennonite Brethren Mission.
Moreover, Congolese Mennonites are presently active in cross-cultural evangelism. Their testimony goes beyond boundaries especially to Angola, Congo Brazzaville and South Africa.
And in DRC, Mennonites continue planting churches in other provinces and are reaching even hidden or resistant people such as Batwa Pygmies in the Equatorial Forest. Four Batwa pygmies have been already trained at a Bible Institute and three of them are ordained pastors. Thirty-two local churches are established with them and led by themselves. In fact, mission departments are in charge of this important ministry in the Mennonite conferences.
Besides, a program to reach especially Chinese citizens and/or foreign businessmen is already moving through prayers, distribution of Christian literature and other contacts.
Major challenges
In spite of the dynamism of the Congolese local Mennonite churches and the various natural resources in the country, the populations are confronted with poverty and the majority of them, even Mennonites, live in rural areas, below the poverty line. Political instability, wars, corruption, and the activism of the non-Christian religions are the major challenges that Christian ministries and churches are facing in the DRC.
Uruguay has an extension of 176.215 Km². It borders with Brazil in the north, and with Argentina in the west along the Uruguay River and the south along La Plata River, as well as the Atlantic Ocean.
There were 3,500,000 inhabitants in the country in 2010, half of which live in and around the Capital, Montevideo.
Soccer and politics are the two passions that unite the people of Uruguay. It is said that every child in Uruguay is born with a soccer ball under their arm! Participation in the national elections is obligatory meaning that there is no other nation in the world that is so involved in the election of their rulers.
Due to being a small country,and the bounds of accepted social conduct, people tend to be traditional and conservative. They are relaxed and neighborly. They are very receptive and hospitable with foreigners, and for this reason there are many foreign communities and people living in the country. There are no longer any original indigenous populations living in Uruguay.
An increasing number of homes are single parent households; for this reason,one fifth of Uruguayan homes are female-headed households.
The separation between Church and State has been in effect since 1916. Freedom of religious expression is ensconced in the Constitution. Sixty percent (60%)of the population considers themselves to be Christian, while 24% have no professed religion or are atheist, with 12% being spiritualist and 1.8% Jewish. Of those who consider themselves Christian, 47% profess to be Catholics and 6.5% Evangelical. At least half of the people who profess to be Christian do not participate in any church (although statistics vary widely). Given the secular nature of the Uruguayan state, Christian holidays are officially given other names. For instance, Holy Week is called Tourist Week and Christmas is the Family Feast. Many believe in God in their “own way”. They live out their religiosity without identifying with any particular faith tradition, making them easy victims to moral relativism and a reversal of values. They are mistrustful of any religious apparatus. Increasingly, syncretism between traditional and African religions is gaining importance.
This creates a very different religious climate in Uruguay to that of the rest of the continent. Uruguay has often been called the burial ground of missionaries because it is so difficult to plant a church there (an activity that requires at least 5 years to carry out, but usually more than that).
The first evangelical contact made with the country was in 1806 with the English occupation, in other words by the Anglican church. The first Methodist attempt was made in 1839, but was only firmed up more recently in the 1860s. The Waldensians started arriving from 1857 onwards. It was around the same time that the Lutherans also began to arrive. The first Baptist church was organized in 1911, as well as the Free Brothers church. The Armenian Evangelical church began in 1926. The first Mennonites arrived in 1948 as Second World War refugees from Germany, and shortly thereafter their missionary work among the Uruguayans began. Later, many more migrants and missionaries from other groups arrived.
Over the last few decades, so-called Evangelical groups have come to Uruguay that are really get rich quick schemes. They request fees for prayer for the sick or other situations that life throws at people, gathering fortunes and leaving a terrible testimony behind for all other Evangelicals.
Despite specific efforts made to grow and to plant more churches, there are still parts of the country that have few if any evangelical churches. This is true along the coast of La Plata River from Montevideo to Punta del Este, as well as for a small number of towns in the interior. Slowly but surely the evangelical movement is being strengthened in local hands.
As Mennonites, we have received a number of missionary outreaches in order to promote church planting, and we have been able to grow somewhat in members and in number of congregations. Even so, it is still a challenge to hold onto our Anabaptist identity and work together to extend the church.
There was a concerted effort at the start of this century to plant interdenominational churches, resulting in a boom but later many gains were lost.
Missionaries who come to the country need to be given lots of time by their sending congregations and they need to have a lot of patience themselves. Some have first taken a year to get to know the secular as well as church context in Uruguay by working with a parachurch organization. Another recommendation is to learn Spanish here, or to take time to learn the local dialect, given that Uruguay has many unique expressions. Discussions about politics and soccer can be very intense, and it is recommendable to steer clear of them.
The Evangelical context in Uruguay is polarized between liberals and conservatives making for significant tensions between the two.
The percentage of Evangelicals in the country is low and we struggle to achieve consistent growth. As such, we ask that you pray for us and for our country, Uruguay, that the Evangelical witness may increase.
In September 2020, our association went through some profound changes in its structure.
First, we saw some board of administration members and church leaders leave the association for different reasons. A pastoral couple, Kardoso Mente and Maria Efekele, left Portugal to start a new journey in France. Kardoso used to be the secretary of our association and pastor of the African church. José Arrais, long-time president and national leader, was replaced by Marques Mente.
Otto and Marjorie Ekk who are representatives for Multiply and project leaders for mission in Portugal will return to the USA in December 2021. They end their official time of service in Portugal after more than 30 years in this country.
Secondly, what used to be the Association of MB Churches of Portugal (AIMP) became the MB Church of Portugal (IIMP) with a board composed by Marques Mente, as the president, Raul Florez as treasurer, and Inês Parente as secretary. We used to be recognized legally as an association with a religious character, now we are fully recognized as a church which changes our legal status to a religious entity.
This board of directors legally represent all the Portuguese Mennonite churches before the state and the international partners.
The MB church of Portugal also has what is called a leadership council which gathers at least two leaders of each local church and coordinates the daily life of our church conference. This body is recognized as the center of decision making both legally and internally.
Current situation of churches in Portugal
Espaço Vida Mais in Massamá.
The church in Massamá is currently a small but very consolidated group of people, who meet weekly to worship God. Since the beginning of the pandemic, this community has not had face-to-face meetings until March 2021, and is just restarting very recently. The church recently experienced a change of leadership with the departure of José Arrais Velez and his wife Paula Velez and with the entry of Joanna Pharazyn to assume the leadership of this group.
Social work through the Solidarity Store linked to the mission of this church has grown considerably in recent months, and has helped to establish more contacts and friendships with the local inhabitants. We pray that some or many of these people will come to know Jesus and become part of the church life, and for creativity and wisdom so that the store team will be able to use the opportunities that God provides to make the connection of faith with these people.
Let us also pray for the leadership of Joanna, now accompanied by her husband Jonathan, that they will be able to bring a vision refreshed by God, that will in turn bring renewal and growth.
The African church of Queluz Pendão
With the recent departure of Pastor Moisés and his wife Maria to live in France, this community saw yet another group of decisive leaders leaving to emigrate to other countries. This church has seen several leaders and members move over the past 10 years, namely to France, and is currently a very small group that is considered to practically be a re-implantation of a church.
Even so, this small group led by Adão and Miriam remains solid in the faith and very committed to the church. Throughout the pandemic months, this group has faithfully met face-to-face on Sundays to celebrate Jesus and study his Word, except on occasions when they have been unable to meet due to government restrictions.
Pray for Adão and Miriam who are giving some more logistical supervision to the church but who are not pastors.
Our church conference is praying for new pastors for this church, that will likely take on more multicultural characteristics in the future, to renew this community’s vision and strength their path to growth! Therefore, we ask for prayers for a pastoral couple for this community!
The Loures local church
Marques Mente and his wife Celma Mente are the leaders of the Loures MB local church.
This church as now about 40 members plus other regular visitors.
This church has been meeting face-to-face most of the time during the pandemic, excepting the periods where there were legal restrictions.
The Loures church is the first MB church of Portugal founded in the beginning of the 1990s. Marques Mente is the pastor since 2012, his wife Celma joined him in August 2016.
Solidary Store in Loures
The second-hand store in Massamá has contributed to the local community for years and to replicate its model in Loures was an old wish that was fulfilled. On Saturday, April 24, D’NOVO was inaugurated on the premises of the Centro Evangélico da Flamenga.
The new store will be open to the community three times a week on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
In addition to making clothes and household items available at affordable prices, the new store aims to be a point of connection with the community. The coordinators are Celma Mente and Nadine Brakovski, with the help of German volunteers, Adriana and Leah. In addition, people from the community are already helping voluntarily, namely Helena and Ana.
Let us pray for this to be another means to reach people with the love of Christ.
Progress Network Association
In January 2015, the “Associação dos Irmãos Menonitas em Portugal” (legal structure of the Mennonite Brethren churches in Portugal) founded the “Associação Rede do Progresso”. The goal was to develop an association that would be the social arm of the churches with a structure capable of developing projects that would create a social impact, mainly in the county of Loures and beyond, and that needed greater organizational capacity to increase their sustainability.
As the name “Rede” (network) indicates, since the beginning, the objective of this association was to operate in a network, i.e., in partnership with other organizations.
Practically since the beginning of Rede do Progresso, the FOP organization (Friends of Portugal) has been its main partner and investor. It’s an organization based in the USA, with a strong influence of Portuguese descendants who love Portugal and wish to support their people, projects and churches. Currently the Rede do Progresso covers projects such as “A Ponte” (co-work offices), SHIFT (a social acceleration project), the Solidarity Store in Massamá (linked to the mission of the Mennonite Brethren church in that neighborhood) and supports the Solidarity Store in Loures, also linked to the mission of the Mennonite Brethren Church in this county.
By Marques Mente
Igreja dos Irmāos Menonitas de Portugal Alameda Salgueiro Maia 15-A, Quinta das Flores Santo António dos Cavaleiros, 2660-329 Loures, Portugal. NIPC 592018164, Tel 21-988-7558 Email: