Prayers of gratitude and intercession

  • Transmission is the title given to a series of 5 films of 10 minutes which present Anabaptist thought to people around the world to encourage a life of faith created by Affox AG, a multimedia production company. We would like to do this by providing a glimpse at the journeys we experience as disciples of Jesus in different parts of the world. It is our hope however, to strengthen our sense of shared identity and community in the midst of all the diversity present throughout the Anabaptist body. Young people represent one of the important target audiences.

    Find also a study guide for sharing questions about the film in small group or youth groups.

    Transmission 2024 Peace & Justice

    “We live in a complicated world. Erosion of trust and breakdown in relationships are all too common. The good news is that as abundant as conflict may be, so is the commitment within Anabaptist Mennonite communities around the world to follow Jesus’ call to work for justice and to make peace,” says Max Wiedmer, producer of Transmission.

    “We as producers came face-to-face with the complexities of making peace,” says Max Wiedmer. The film explores “what it means to be faithful to Jesus’ call to love our neighbours and to love our enemies.”

    Transmission 2023 Migration

    Transmission 2023 – English

    “How worldwide migration an displaced persons are being supported by loving and caring people.” This global phenomenon is the subject of 2023’s Transmission video.

    In this video, young Mennonites in Greece, Lebanon, Colombia, USA and DR Congo share about their work of welcoming displaced persons.

    Transmission 2022 Latin America

    Transmission 2022 – English

    The third production in the Transmission series focusing on creation care is ready for viewing. Ophelia, a Swiss woman, after living and working in Costa Rica, wondered what she could learn from her contemporaries in Latin America on the subject. The production includes stories from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras. This production ends with challenge triggered by an enterprise in the Netherlands as a way of inspiring all viewers, young and old to think and act boldly and with vision when it comes to creation care. 

    Transmission 2021 Indonesia

    Transmission 2021 – English

    In Transmission, Hani and Adi share amazing faith journeys while they relate as Mennonites (a small minority) and Muslims (a large majority) in Indonesia. Hani reflects on how she sees the face of God in the people (both Muslim and Christian) she encounters in the remote village of Tempur, high in the mountains of Jepara. Adi introduces us to the power of interfaith dialogue and the resulting transformation of Solo from a city of violence to a city of peace. 

    From Indonesia we jump to the Netherlands where the relationship between Anabaptists and Muslims is impacted by a Muslim minority.  

    Canadians, Europeans, and Indonesians worked together to bring this unique production to life. 

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020

    Transmission 2020 – English

    Transmission Ethiopia 2020 introduces its audiences to the Meserete Kristos Church through their experience with persecution (and freedom of religion), spiritual maturity, the place of youth in the church, the importance of music and prayer life. In this case, SalomŽ, a French young adult reflects (after her return to France from her visit to Ethiopia), on what she learned from her peers and elders in the church. 

    We hope to gain a young generation of people who will be involved in making the next in the series and the final 90-minute documentary which we hope to expand to a secular audience in 2025. For the moment, we are targeting the Christian world.

    Video in English, Spanish, French, German, Amharic subtitles

    –release by Affox AG

    Transmission 2020 – Amharic
  • Photo: Willow Avenue Mennonite Church, USA

    Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025

    On a table at the front, place five candles of different colours for each continent on top of a map of the world (or beside a globe) along with a white candle as the Christ candle in the middle.

    At the start of the worship service, name each continent as its candle is lit, acknowledging brothers and sisters in each continent.

    Light the Christ candle last (or first) as the source of light for the church everywhere.

    Call to worship

    Use this call to worship based on Psalm 133 near the start of the service.

    Though we may be inclined to brag,
    let us come together with humility.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though we may be tempted to use harsh words,
    let us come together with gentleness.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though we may want everything to happen quickly,
    let us come together with patience.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    Though the world around often encourages hate,
    let us come together in love.
    How good a thing it is when all of God’s people live together in unity.

    In humility, gentleness, patience, love, and unity,
    Let us worship the God who has called us together.

    —written by Reverend Joanna Harader, a Mennonite pastor in Kansas, USA


    Use this commission & benediction based on 1 John 4:7-21 at the end of the service.

    Go now, to love the world and all who inhabit it, because love is from God.

    Proclaim God’s salvation to every people.

    Remain in Jesus Christ, and like plants in a garden, draw your life from God.

    And may God, the Creator, tend you and make you flourish;

    May Christ Jesus abide in you and give you life;

    And may the Holy Spirit cast out all fear and fill you with God’s love.

    We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

    …In the name of Christ. Amen.

    —written by Reverend Gerald Hildebrand, a Mennonite pastor in Manitoba, Canada


    Use this call and response from Africa as a benediction at the end of the service.

    Leader: God is good

    People: All the time.

    Leader: All the time

    People: God is good.

    Leader: All the time

    People: God is good.

    Leader: God is good

    People: All the time.