The Mission Commission facilitates the Global Mission Fellowship (GMF), a global fellowship of dialogue, support and connection for Anabaptist-related churches and mission groups. There are 58 member organizations operating out of 34 countries.
The GMF gathers every three years.

Key Documents
GMF Vision
- God’s mission through the church involves conveying the whole gospel of Jesus Christ across spiritual, cultural, economic and political boundaries and within a church’s local settings.
- The church’s mission includes ministries in word and deed to persons and peoples outside the community of Christ with the goal of making disciples and bringing these new disciples into fellowships of believers.
- The gospel of Jesus Christ is expressed through a spectrum of evangelistic, disciple-making and humanitarian/social activities.
- Every church, whether at a local, national or regional level, has the responsibility to develop and sustain its God-given gifts for doing and being in mission.
- Encourage collaboration and dialogue among members (via email, WhatsApp, regional in-person meetings)
- Share best practices
- Accomplish together what each could not attempt individually
- Honour and value gifts from Anabaptist mission agencies and groups of all sizes