Assembly 17 – Indonesia 2022 – Songs
Somlandela / We will follow / Mari Ikut / Je te suivrai / Seguiremos
Zimbabwean traditional, Indonesian Elina Ciptadi
© PD
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Somlandela / We will follow / Mari Ikut / Je te suivrai / Seguiremos
Zimbabwean traditional, Indonesian Elina Ciptadi
© PD
Reprinted / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-740570
Member churches in Asia do not use any of the three official languages in MWC. Their worship music includes many songs that are not translated into any of MWC’s three languages. These are videos of songs frequently used in local congregations which MWC congregations are encouraged to use during their own worship, as prelude or postlude or during the service.
International Songbook
Cancionero Internacional
Recueil International de Chants
Mennonite World Conference Assembly
Asamblea del Congreso Mundial Menonita
Rassemblement de la Conference Mondiale Mennonite
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
21-26 July 2015
What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2015? Assembly PA 2015 in July and much more.
What was happening in Mennonite World Conference in 2016? The celebration of community in its many forms. Share this video with your congregation as part of your World Fellowship Sunday celebrations.
How do we live out our Anabaptist identity? On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how MWC helped our churches around the world in 2017.
Transformed by the Holy Spirit. On World Fellowship Sunday, share this video about how we worked together for peace and justice in the power of the Holy Spirit in 2018.
This year, the global pandemic forced us to rethink how we do our jobs, how we meet as congregations to worship and even how we connect in relationships. Yet, as we adjusted to new realities, we found news ways of following Jesus Christ, our hope.
See also abridged video below (3:13)
Our relationships with you — our sisters and brothers in Christ — were a source of strength as the pandemic continued in 2021.
Online experiences during the pandemic have given you new virtual opportunities to connect online.
You learned from and supported the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family as we follow Christ together while we are apart.
In 2022, we found new ways to follow Jesus together across barriers.
We find strength to follow Jesus best when we follow Jesus together.
Click here to download video to show to your congregation |
Kita Sami Tinimbalan / All of us are called
by Saptojoadi