“The love for Jesus Christ inspires us and motivates us to overcome all kinds of fear,” said Sushant Nand. The International Exchange Program coordinator and project officer with Mennonite Central Committee, India, spoke on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday at Mennonite Church Korba, a unit church of Bhartiya General Conference Mennonite Church, India.
“The early Anabaptists were people who were filled with the love of God and were deeply in love with Jesus because they had experienced his love and grace deep down in their heart,” Sushant Nand said to the 110-year-old congregation. “The Courage to Love” is the theme of the annual global worship celebration, and also the 500th anniversary event in Zurich in May.
The Korba church has been extended three times to accommodate the growing congregation. Kabra and his wife Manmati were the first fruit of Mennonite mission in Korba. They were baptized on 8 October 1915, followed by another 15 people on 9 December 1915. Today, Korba has 400 families and more than 8 000 members.
“The people who love Jesus with all their heart, all their mind and all their soul, no more worry about the internal and external consequences…. Jesus’ love provides us with courage to love people who are different from us, who are against us or who persecute us,” Sushant Nand says.
“Let’s grow deeper in the love of Christ so that we will be free from all kinds of fear to share God’s love to everyone.”
Doopsgezind (Mennonite) congregations in Friesland and Groningen held a large worship service to celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. The national church board (ADS) plans to visit as many congregations as possible in the year 2025 to learn of their developments and align future directions.
BIC Community Church, Zimbabwe, celebrated Holy Communion together on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. Bishop Danisa Ndlovu, MWC Regional Representative for Southern Africa, shared the sermon, followed by a Sunday School lesson from Bishop Sindah Ngulube, MWC Executive Committee Africa representative.
Mennonite congregations of IMC North Luzon District, Philippines, gathered to celebrate Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025 together: Binuangan Mennonite Christian Church, Teggep Mennonite Christian Church, Tamuyan Mennonite Christian Church and Carolotan Mennonite Christian Church.
Camino de Santidad Mennonite Church, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, noted the 500th anniversary at the Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday celebration.
Women danced in worship on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday at Église Évangélique Mennonite de Orodara, Burkina Faso.
Children at San Juan Anabaptist Mennonite Church, Philippines, displayed their hearts from the Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday Courage to Love activity.
Youths from Basna Mennonite Church, India, presented a skit based on the theme “The Courage to Love” as part of their Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025 celebration.
Our member churches are like the many pieces of a mosaic. Each piece is different, but together we form one beautiful mosaic. Thank you to everyone in our churches supporting MWC. #mwcmm #followingJesus #livingoutunity #buildingpeace
In many cultural contexts, and particularly in Africa, the offering is as important as the sermon, as a meaningful part of worship.
The pastor often asks one of the ushers to pray, to bless the givers, and also that those who are not giving may be blessed to give. Often someone will give a testimony and Scripture on the theme of giving, as part of the offering.
Sometimes helpers will take baskets around, and at other times members are all encouraged to come up to the front to put their offering into a basket at the front. In many places the people sing and dance while giving their offering at the front, because giving something as an act of worship elicits much joy.
MWC invites a special offering to be taken for the global Anabaptist church community on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. One way to think about this offering is to invite every member to contribute the value of one lunch in their own community to support the networks and resources of our global Anabaptist church family. Sacrificing one lunch is our humble way of giving thanks to God and supporting the on-going ministry of God through the church.
This gift of “one lunch” (the value within one’s own country) per person, once a year, is something that most MWC members can do, except in times of famine or violence. People who have more resources can give much more than this, and could be encouraged to do so. Others with more scarce resources could consider giving the monetary value of one item that they would normally include in a meal.
Here are some ideas on how to plan for a special MWC offering in your congregation.
Plan for One Lunch offerings to be put into a special basket at the front or in culturally appropriate lunch bags/containers during the worship service as a separate offering from the normal offering.
Plan for a shared congregational meal together before or after worship on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. This could be “potluck”, with each family bringing dishes of food to share, with an offering basket for MWC to “pay” for the meal. This could be auctioning off or selling a prepared packed lunch brought by families to the church. These packed lunches are then available for auction or for purchase or donation by anyone to take home, or to eat together after worship.
Plan for a time of shared fasting and prayer for the global church during a mealtime before or after worship on Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. Include an offering for MWC during that time. This offering would approximate the value of the meal that is not being eaten by the participants in the fast.
Funds that are gathered through this special offering in each congregation can be sent directly to Mennonite World Conference using the various mechanisms shown on our website
Or, these funds can be sent to your national church office with a request to pass the funds on to MWC. Clearly mark the offering as designated for Mennonite World Conference and indicate it is an Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday offering.
Part B: Origin of Anabaptists/Mennonites in your own country
Part C: WCRC and MWC Common Statement of Confession, Gratitude and Commitment
Part D: A Responsive reading of gratefulness, based on Psalm 136
This content is provided to give context for Anabaptism@500 years – back then, and today. Please use as much of this content as is relevant for your own context. Please be sure to add in the history of Anabaptism within your own country and how your church came to be today.
Part A: Origin of Anabaptism in 1525
The Anabaptist movement began as part of a renewal movement within the Catholic Church in Europe in the early 16th century. Some of its inspiration comes from the Catholic tradition: the strong sense of discipline and community found in monasticism, for example, the attentiveness to the Holy Spirit that could be found in Catholic mysticism, or the emphasis on following Jesus in daily life in The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas á Kempis. Anabaptism also owes a debt to Martin Luther and the early Reformation movement, particularly Luther’s emphasis on the authority of Scripture and his emphasis on the freedom of the Christian conscience. The movement was shaped by deep social and economic unrest of their time that exploded in the Peasants’ War of 1524-1525.
The Anabaptists themselves, however, would have said that they were simply trying to be faithful followers of the teachings of Jesus and the example of the Early Church.
A moment in 1525 serves as the symbolic beginning of the Anabaptist movement: a small group of Christian reformers gathered for a secret worship service in Zurich, Switzerland. The group was frustrated by the hesitance of their leader, Ulrich Zwingli, to enact the changes to Catholic rituals that they agreed Scripture demanded. In their reading of Scripture, true Christian baptism assumed a conscious commitment to follow Jesus – something no infant could do. So on 21 January 1525, this small group agreed to baptize each other as adults.
Although it would be some time before the full meaning of baptism came into focus, the early Anabaptists understood this act to symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit in the gift of God’s grace, a commitment to a life of daily discipleship and membership in a new community of God’s people.
Named by opponents
Members of the movement generally referred to themselves as “Brethren” (Brüder) – or later by the more descriptive term “baptism-minded” (Taufgesinnten). Their opponents labeled them Anabaptists (= re-baptizers), in part because “rebaptism” was a criminal offense in the Holy Roman Empire, punishable by death. At first, the group resisted the term “Anabaptist” since in their minds they were not rebaptizing, but rather baptizing correctly for the first time. But over time, the name persisted.
Today, Anabaptist is an accepted English term for all Reformation groups who practiced believers (rather than infant) baptism, and the denominations descended from them such as the Amish, Mennonites, and Hutterites.
Identity-forging challenges
Over time, however, a coherent movement emerged. Its identity was forged, in part at least, from the need to respond to several basic challenges.
First, in response to accusations of heresy by religious and political authorities in the first half of the 16th century, Anabaptists were quick to define themselves as faithful, Bible-believing Christians.
Second, militant voices within their number who were ready to impose social and religious change with violence forced Anabaptists to clarify their identity as peaceful, law-abiding, nonviolent Christians whose only weapon was love.
And finally, in the face of spiritualist dissenters who favoured an internal religious experience that could avoid theological disputations and go undetected by authorities, Anabaptists were compelled to defend the public and visible nature of the church.
Three streams emerge
Despite the diversity of theology and practice evident in the first generation of Anabaptists, three coherent groups had emerged by the 1540s: the Swiss Brethren in the German-speaking territories; the Hutterites in Moravia; and the Mennonites of the Netherlands and North Germany who were organized around the leadership of Menno Simons. Although these groups differed in important ways, they nonetheless recognized each other as members of the same religious tradition, so that their internal disagreements often took the form of a family quarrel.
—Excerpted from Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be, by John D. Roth, Herald Press, 2006. Adapted and used with permission.
Over the next 500 years Anabaptism spread to many different countries around the world, each with their own origin story. Mennonite World Conference began 100 years ago to bring together the many churches from different streams of Anabaptism for fellowship, worship, witness and service.
More reading: Anabaptist World: 2 March 2015, “The Birth of Anabaptism”
Part B: Origin of Anabaptists/Mennonites in your own country
Please be sure to discuss the history of your own congregation and the development of Anabaptist/Mennonite churches in your own country.
Helpful summaries are available at the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO). Search a country name to learn about Anabaptist movements in the region.
A common statement of confession, gratitude and commitment
Mennonite World Conference appointed several people to participate in an ongoing ecumenical dialogue with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). This is one of the state churches who in the 1500s persecuted the early Anabaptists in Europe.
Together, this group of theologians from WRCR and MWC prepared a shared statement for public delivery on 29 May 2025 in Zurich, Switzerland.
The title of the statement is “Restoring Our Family to Wholeness: Seeking a Common Witness.” The statement includes sections on giving thanks and celebrating our common confession of Jesus as Lord; confession and lament; and ends with God’s call to unity and peace. The statement can be found on the MWC website:
Going forward with the WCRC, rather than on “resolving” the historical theological points of difference that have divided us, MWC emphasizes the places around the world where Mennonites and Reformed churches are collaborating in our witness.
Part D: An MWC liturgy of gratefulness
Based on Psalm 136
It is God’s faithfulness and message of salvation through Jesus Christ that we celebrate, as it has been passed down and around through the generations over 500 years, reaching us today.
Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.*
Give thanks to the God of gods, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Who by his understanding created the heavens and the earth, Who built the church as Christ’s Body here on earth, Who renews the church throughout time, Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Who through the witness of the Holy Spirit 500 years ago, inspired the Radical Reformers with a renewed vision for following Jesus, Who brought a deepened understanding of God’s call on our lives, Grounded in Jesus, the Bible, community discernment, discipleship and love of enemies, Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Who through the Spirit called witnesses to spread the Good News all over the world, Who inspired new congregations to witness to God’s love for all cultures and all lands, Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Who is Lord over our own [name of church] in [name of country], Who nourishes and strengthens our own congregation to live out God’s call on our lives, Grounded in Jesus, the Bible, community discernment, discipleship, and love of enemies. Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Who works through the global family of faith we call Mennonite World Conference, Who is growing a church that transcends boundaries of race, ethnicity and language, Who calls us together as a communion (koinonia) to follow Jesus, live out unity and build peace. Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, For his steadfast love endures forever.
Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, Give thanks to the God of gods, Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For his steadfast love endures forever.
*The refrain “For his steadfast love endures forever” could be replaced by “For God’s love never quits” all the way through the responsive reading.
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025
Luke 6:32 says if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?
Human beings have the tendency to love those who love them. It is easy to love those who love us or who are good to us. But Jesus teaches us to love those who do not love us.
We need to have the courage to love and accept all kinds of people around us. And this is possible only when we have Jesus in our hearts.
Here is an activity that can be done with children to think about the courage to love.
Materials required:
Different colours of craft papers, including red and white
Pencil or marker
Draw and cut a big heart with red coloured craft paper.
Draw and cut a cross with white coloured craft paper. The cross should fit inside the heart.
Cut small circles from other colours of paper. Draw faces on them with different expressions. (These circles represent different kinds of people we have around us: some are sad, some happy, some angry.)
Glue the cross inside the heart. (Represents the presence of Jesus in our hearts.)
Glue the different faces inside the heart.
This heart picture will help us to understand that we can love and accept different kinds of people in our lives when we have the love of Jesus within us.
—contributed by Amita Siddh, Rajnandgaon Mennonite Church, Mennonite Church of India
Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2025
Participate in person or join in online on 29 May 2025
On Saturday 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) will welcome guests from around the world to The Courage to Love: Anabaptism@500. The day-long celebration commemorates the birth of the Anabaptist movement in Zurich, Switzerland.
Following workshops, concerts, a panel discussion and a self-guided historical walking tour, participants will gather for an ecumenical worship service at the Grossmünster church.
As an act of peacebuilding and a testimony to recent reconciliation, MWC is inviting leaders of world communions (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed) that were once sharply at odds with the Anabaptist movement. All events are within walking distance.
The final worship gathering will be conducted in English and translated into French, Spanish and German. The service at 15:00 UTC will be livestreamed.
Celebrate together in a worship service and/or potluck using these worship resources and eating with brothers and sisters. This could be on AWFS on Sunday 19 January 2025, or on 29 May 2025, or whatever timing is convenient in your own context.
Create and share artwork and stories
Identifyaspects of the Anabaptist message that reach us today. Create your own personal testimonies, sermons, artwork. Share on social media, post in homes or church buildings, etc.
For each of these we give thanks, and at the same time we identify ways we feel called to respond through faithfully sharing and living out the message of God’s love here and now.
Many hands make light work
This adage is one we use frequently when we’re doing work together. A core part of our identity as Mennonite World Conference is living out unity, so pooling our efforts to make a positive difference in the world is fundamental.
Living out unity is calls on each one of us to to share with each other. MWC’s Fair Share operates on this principle (More on Fair Share below). It insists that we all have something to share but also for that sharing to be just, we need to acknowledge our different situations across our planet.
Fair Share
MWC has 110 national member churches in 61 countries around the world. Except in the context of the most grievous situations like active warfare, all member churches are expected to make annual Fair Share contributions to help support MWC’s core work as we’re linked to one another in a worldwide community of faith for fellowship, worship, service and witness.
We share what we have is a meaningful sentiment in most parts of the world. Of course, some have more and some have less, but what’s foundational is that we all give from what we have. We know from Jesus’ story of the widow’s offering in Mark 12 that sacrificial giving is part of reaching out with God’s love.
Today, about 30% of MWC’s annual unrestricted revenue comes through Fair Share contributions from national member churches. These contributions are critical to MWC’s thriving as a worldwide Anabaptist family of faith. In our community of faith, we inspire each other by our investments in building-up the global church community.
Stewardship in the household of faith
We asked several regional representatives to reflect on the meaning they find in MWC’s work in the area of Fair Share. Across the globe, these 13 people are the face of MWC to and for our national member churches. They live in 5 regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean and North America. These experienced leaders help interpret their regional contexts to the rest of the global family They also use their contextual wisdom to help negotiate Fair Share.
Here are some of their thoughts on Fair Share:
Siaka Traoré, living in Burkina Faso and MWC regional rep for Central West Africa, insists that Fair Share is an act of justice, collaboration and communion. Siaka Traoré sees it as justice because it is required of all members without exception based on race or place. To be part of the community, all must contribute.
Willi Hugo Pérez, living in Guatemala and MWC regional rep for Central America, sees MWC’s Fair Share approach as a gesture of love, gratitude and commitment. Willi Hugo Pérez sees the gratitude for the generous gifts, joys and blessings that we receive from God through the beloved family.
Jeremiah Choi, living in Hong Kong and MWC regional rep for Northeast Asia, observes the practical benefits of these annual investments by MWC national member churches. MWC’s support makes it possible for national member church delegates from all over the world to gather and see each other face-to-face as we live out unity together.
Jumanne Magiri, living in Tanzania and MWC regional rep for East Africa, sees Fair Share as a duty we all carry as part of the global Anabaptist family. As we all contribute together, it is an indicator of our stewardship and responsible action as members of the household of faith.
As we join together in the MWC family, we are all called to bring our full selves to enrich each other’s lives. Just as in our families at home, we share love in a variety of ways. Contributing to the building-up of the worldwide Anabaptist family of faith is a powerful way to “preach the gospel” without necessarily using words. It’s an opportunity for all of us to do our share – our Fair Share.
May God continue to bless the work of our hands together.
—Bruce Campbell-Janz is MWC’s Chief Development Officer. He lived in DR Congo on church-related service for eight years and now lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, with his wife Ann.
The first baptisms in the Anabaptist tradition took place in secret in Zurich, Switzerland, on 21 January 1525. A small group of Jesus-followers acted together with courage on their shared understanding of Scripture and the church, different from their political and religious context. Today there are churches all over the world in the Anabaptist tradition, acting together with courage to love each other, different from our political and religious contexts that too often pull us apart.
MWC member congregations are welcome to invite one MWC speaker per year to bring a message from the global Anabaptist-Mennonite family. This may be for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday, Peace Sunday or any day you wish to give special attention to the global family.
Please consider giving an honorarium appropriate for your region. Contact contributions@mwc-cmm.org for assistance with money transfer if needed.
Any MWC speaker may be asked to present via live video link (subject to internet connectivity) or a pre-recorded video. If travel is required from outside the region, the host congregation should cover travel costs.
César García
Topics, specific expertise: Unity in the church, restorative justice, church and state, Anabaptism; biblical texts
Topics, specific expertise: Sharing about MWC (AWFS, Q&A, stories), Preaching on biblical texts, Integration of faith and healthcare through education, advocacy, and service, Aging in the community of faith.
Topics, specific expertise: Anabaptist history and theology, church unity and ecumenical dialogue, the Francophone network, and multicultural congregations.