Creation Care Task Force stories

  • COP 29 blogs by a Dutch Mennonite

    People mill about below a banner declaring Faith. Climate. Action. Faith Pavilion.

    Updates from COP 29 – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) “We are witnessing terrible violence against God’s beloved creation. And we are increasingly aware of how much we share in the harm, both as sinners and as sinned-against,” says Thomas R Yoder Neufeld, chair of the Faith & Life Commission. “We must…

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  • Prayer: To hope and act with creation

    The Season of Creation, an annual ecumenical initiative, concludes with the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi on 4 October. Inspired by his Canticle of Creatures and Romans 8:19-25, this prayer invites us to praise, repent and lament, and then “to hope and act with Creation”.  God, Creator of heaven and earth, We praise you…

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  • Faithfulness in action

    The environmental crisis and our mandate to care for creation  A word of encouragement from the MWC Faith & Life Commission and the Creation Care Task Force.  Part 2 of 2  “Creation care” is taking on ever-increasing urgency.  The news reminds us daily of alarming changes in our climate. We are witnessing terrible violence against…

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  • God so loved the cosmos…

    The environmental crisis and our mandate to care for creation  A word of encouragement from the MWC Faith & Life Commission and the Creation Care Task Force.  Part 1 of 2  “Creation care” is taking on ever-increasing urgency.  The news reminds us daily of alarming changes in our climate. As the Creation Care Task Force’s…

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  • Striving for integrity

    Andre Wiederkehr, of Ontario, Canada, doesn’t have a driver’s license. That’s because he chooses not to use fossil fuels to get around.  Without using a car, attending Hanover Mennonite Church on Sundays means riding 21 kilometers by bike. “None of us is really an enthusiastic biker,” says Andre Wiederkehr, who lives on a farm with…

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  • Less rain, less shade, more people

    January to April is the rainy season in Guayaquil, a port city on the coast of Ecuador. But this past year, says Sara Noemi Viteri Moreno, a member of Iglesia Jesus el Buen Pastor (Jesus the good shepherd, a Mennonite church) in Guayaquil, it hardly rained at all. 

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  • MWC calls for global energy transition

    Earth in all its diversity, vitality and abundance is a gift that has been overshadowed by neglect, exploitation and unsustainable consumption. Anabaptist values, by contrast, call for stewardship (thoughtful care-taking), simplicity and the dignity of all persons created in the image of God. On behalf of Mennonite World Conference, the Creation Care Task Force (CCTF)…

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  • COP 28 blogs by a Dutch Mennonite

    Stories in this page: Endgame (13 December 2023) Scandalous (11 December 2023) Human rights (10 December 2023) The Netherlands in the spotlight (9 December 2023) Adaptation (6 December 2023) Time pressure (5 December 2023) Money, money, money (4 December 2023) Balancing act (3 December 2023) High level segment: kings, financiers and residents (1 December 2023)…

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  • One new step each year

    You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below!  On a map of Green Churches in the Netherlands, there is a green dot for the Mennonite congregation in Aalsmeer. Another dot represents Arboretumkerk (previously Doopsgezinde Gemeente Wageningen), located a province over.  “Six years ago, the church (in Aalsmeer)…

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  • Eco-theology reconciles the church with nature

    You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below!  When human beings were created in Genesis, “This was the first mission of the human… to both enjoy but also to protect and take care of creation,” says Danang Kristiawan.  Danang Kristiawan is the pastor of the GITJ (Gereja…

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  • Building resilience in church members

    Like many in Zimbabwe, Sukoluhle Ncube splits her time between the city where her family lives and works, and the rural community where they farm, 40 minutes away.  “Most of the people have two homes,” Sukoluhle Ncube says. “In the town, you come and work and all that, but in the village that’s where we…

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  • The rule of ayni: reciprocal relationship

    In Kichwa, there is a word, ayni, that describes the rule and practice of interdependence.  “One does not exist unless the community exists,” says Julian Guamán. In the Kichwa worldview, that community includes all of creation, not just humans. Ayni dictates that as members of the community, humans have a responsibility to be in reciprocal…

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