The four Mennonite World Conference (MWC) commissions represent MWC at work between and beyond the global assemblies, which are held every six years. The commissions have been described as the four chambers of one heart, which seeks to link the global community of Anabaptist-related churches for fellowship, worship, service and witness.
Each of the commissions is comprised of a chairperson, a secretary (staff) and up to 10 members drawn from the MWC General Council. In addition, commissions can have up to five members selected for their specialist competencies.
Commissions prepare issues or materials for consideration by the General Council. Commissions give guidance and propose resources to MWC or member churches. Commissions also facilitate MWC-related networks or fellowships working together on matters of common interest and focus.
The commissions work closely together in order to maintain and promote a holistic gospel and vision in the MWC community. In addition, each individual commission establishes three-year goals and works within a given budget.
Stories by or about the Commissions
We Cry (A prayer of lament)
We cry with those whose lands are ravaged from war. We cry with those who, because of war and violence, have already lost their home. We cry with those who leave behind what they know in search of a better life for their children and families. We cry with Abdullah, the father of Aylan and…
Panama Mennonites request prayer for land struggle
Panama – A request for prayer for land struggle was the main request that a Mennonite World Conference delegation heard in a February 2015 visit with church and indigenous community leaders in Panama. Leaders of the MWC member church, Iglesia Evangélica Unida Hermanos Menonitas de Panamá (United Evangelical Church: Mennonite Brethren in Panama), invited the…
Using violence against violence? Statement from a peace church perspective
In the face of the terror caused by the IS militias in Iraq and Syria, Western nations have reacted with air strikes and deliveries of weapons. A reaction that, given the atrocities described, has been widely accepted – also increasingly in churches. Among the same churches that almost unanimously raised their voices in protest against…
MWC responds to urgent appeal from Middle East churches
Bogota, Colombia – In response to urgent appeals from the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Community in Syria and Lebanon and from the Middle East Council of Churches, Mennonite World Conference issued a call for “a shower of prayer, solidarity and blessing” to MWC member churches. In a communication to “all the Evangelical and Protestant churches and…