“It was nice to hear something from Indonesia and take part a little bit,” says Erwin Röthlisberger of Evangelische Mennoniten-Gemeinde Bern, Switzerland. He attended Assembly from his home in Europe.
Videos from MWC’s Assembly Indonesia 2022 will begin to be posted on MWC’s website and YouTube channel starting in October.
Until now, the plenaries and workshops were available only to registered participants. “We thank everyone who invested in Assembly by registering to attend online,” says Liesa Unger. “You took a risk to register for our first fully hybrid event. We are grateful for your patience with the unexpected.”
Anyone can access the Assembly videos which will be rolled out gradually over the next months. See the Sufi dancers in Jepara; hear the testimony of harmony between a church and a mosque in Desa Tempur; watch Jeremiah Choi’s powerful testimony of faithfulness amid government pressure in Hong Kong, and watch workshops on creation care, Bible study and peace work.
Assembly videos: MWC YouTube channel