Registration for MWC Assembly opens for online participation

Starting 24 December 2021, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) is accepting registration for online participants for Indonesia 2022 through its registration site:

“Assembly will focus on accepting online registration first, and starting from the end of February 2022, people will be able to register for on-site participation,” says MWC chief international events officer Liesa Unger.  

“Once registered, online participants will get first priority to upgrade from online to on-site when travel requirements become clear,” she says. 

Registration costs vary depending on country of origin to ensure equitable access to this global gathering. MWC follows its “fair share” policy for membership and event registration fees. “Based on each country’s income level, online registration fees vary from free to USD $150 per person,” says Liesa Unger.   

People who register before 30 April 2022 will also enjoy early bird rates. 

Churches, Bible study groups and youth groups can also take part in the virtual experience. “We encourage the whole church to register online and plan for a time to gather and get involved in worship, group activities and workshops with the on-site participants,” says Liesa Unger. 

Churches can get the most out of this hybrid fellowship with their global family by planning ahead: 

  • Which sessions to attend 
  • Arrange parallel activities with the Assembly schedule in mind 
  • Connect with Assembly online participants in other locations 
  • Planning ahead for participating virtually as a church will  

Participating in Assembly as a group has several benefits. The best internet connection can serve multiple participants, reducing costs and makes tech troubleshooting easier. Groups will get a sense of togetherness from being in the same space with people they know, interacting with a global community. Assembly is not meant to be a solitary experience.  

“We want to make sure that the global online experience is not limited to countries where the internet is available in every single home. We thus encourage congregations to watch together through one individual’s registration, but to take an offering for Mennonite World Conference’s Assembly Fund in lieu of registering every person who attends virtually from the church,” says Liesa Unger.  

“I encourage all of us to take heart and know that God is in control. Since the pandemic began, we have learned that situations can change very quickly, and in response we learn new things to address these changes. On-site or online, we can follow Jesus together across barriers as one global family of faith,” says Janti Widjaja, GKMI church leader. 

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