Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points.
- Regional Representatives are often the national church’s first point of contact with MWC. Gerald Hildebrand, an experienced pastor and former MB Mission area director, and a member of River East Mennonite Brethren Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, begins as Regional Representative for North America in April 2018 when Lynn Roth completes his work in that role. “We’re grateful for Lynn’s service of connecting MWC with local and national churches in North America since 2013,” says Regional Representative coordinator Arli Klassen. “His network of connections and skills were a great asset, particularly in the lead-up to the Pennsylvania 2015 Assembly.”
- A new book by the Mission Commission, God’s People in Mission: An Anabaptist Perspective brings together diverse voices and experiences from within the varied contexts of our MWC global family. A number of the manuscripts were written in the different languages spoken by members of MWC. God’s People in Mission is released in Kenya at the General Council meetings.
- The triennial meetings of the MWC General Council (delegates sent from each national member church) are 23–26 April 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya, preceded by meetings of MWC committees and networks. Additionally, delegates and local Mennonites celebrated Renewal 2027 “The Holy Spirit Transforming Us” in Kisumu, Kenya, 21 April 2018. Watch for more news on these meetings next month.
—Mennonite World Conference release