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Ministry partner update: ICOMB – June 2017

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its member national churches – connecting, strengthening and expanding.

The church on mission

The church is the divine community – the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22–23). The church is what salvation looks like! Salvation is not really an individual proposition. Individualistic cultures and doctrine of “personal salvation” so strong in North America undermines this truth. It took me years of meditating on these verses in Ephesians to begin to grasp the stunning place of the church. The church – Mennonite Brethren congregations as part of it – is, like God, “another other” kind of thing.

—David Wiebe, executive director