Bogota, Colombia – Assembly PA 2015, the once-every-six-years gathering of Mennonite World Conference, closed financially at break-even, that is, without a deficit.
The MWC operations team continuously made adjustments, maintaining priorities of environmental sustainability and financial stewardship despite unexpected developments.
The net total income of $3,300,000 USD from registrations and donations (adjusted for transfers to Global Youth Summit and General Council Travel Fund) matched the total expenses of $3,300,000. (See pie chart for breakdown.)
“We thank all those who attended as they were able,” says chief operating officer Len Rempel. “We are confident that God’s Spirit moved among us and has continued to do so as we have returned to our homes.”
Registration revenues were 25 percent less than budgeted due in part to a greater number of part-time participants and fewer full-time registrants; however, that also meant some expenses were lower than budgeted.
Strong fundraising efforts surpassed the goal by 15 percent. The offering taken daily at Assembly evening services collected $77,000 for operating funds, for the four commissions and MWC “where needed most.”
“The action of giving transcends economic inequalities to bear fruit as hope,” says general secretary César García. “Through generosity, the idols of consumerism, individualism and materialism are defeated to give way to the possibility of a new beginning for our global community. Generosity is a way of worshiping God.”
“I am very encouraged when I hear individuals, congregations and member churches telling me that they will send what they can, and they wish they could do more,” says Arli Klassen, chief development officer.
A world-wide communion of Anabaptist related churches, Mennonite World Conference supports the global body of Christ and is supported by contributions from member churches and donations from individuals.
-MWC news release