Triennial Goals (2018-2021)
1. The MC and its networks (GASN and GMF): the MC and the two networks it facilitates have a special challenge because of their organizational structures, the staggering of member terms, and relationships between the members of the MC. We have been learning how the different delegates of our two networks can work side by side as peer members of the MC, and how every member of the MC can engage in the life of the networks. We will work in this triennial to find ways to consolidate the sense and spirit of teamwork.
2. Missional Frontier: in this triennium, we will identify three missional frontiers and will share every year one missional frontier with the members of GMF and GASN networks. The idea is to inform, learn, and inspire about the work and challenges that Anabaptist churches are facing in a particular country. Some basic parts of the report are: short description and challenges of the country, situation and challenges of the Christian church and/or Anabaptists, and some initiatives as Anabaptist churches-organizations.
3. Website: MC website seeks to facilitate and provide resources, readings, and conversations related to mission. Our challenge for the next triennium is to find creative-affordable ways to keep the information updated and to promote the use of our available resources on mission.
4. GASN &GMF communication/consultation: every three years we have global consultation of GASN&GMF members where we seek to promote and create spaces to pray for each other, encourage each other, and collaborate as God guides us. As the Global Consultation happens every three years, the challenge between these consultations is to keep the information flowing and the level of communication-response from the GASN & GMF organizations members. We will work in this triennium with Jos Arrais, Coordinator of Networks, to find ways to improve and expedite the process of communication between the MC and the networks.
5. MC book on Mission: The vision for this book initiated in the Mission Commission based on the Mission Theology Statements. The main idea was to bring together diverse voices and experiences from our MWC global family and inviting them to think-react-reflect about some aspects of the ÔMission Theology Statements’. The book aims to provide basic biblical-theological-ministerial foundations-models-examples on mission from Anabaptist perspectives. We will work to finish in this triennium the translation of the book in Spanish, French and other languages.
Stanley Green, Chair
Rafael Zaracho, Secretary