Healthy church boundaries in power and sexuality

Indonesia 2022: workshop

Practical tools for promoting appropriate behavior in power and sexual relationships in leadership and pastoral work based on Healthy Boundaries material developed by Faith Trust Institute, with adaptations for Latin America, sections of the Colombian Mennonite Church’s ethics manual, and training experiences.

Presenters: Alix Lozano served as president of the Mennonite Church of Colombia (IMCOL) and director of the Mennonite seminary. She is an advisor to the MTAL Ð Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America (Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teolog’a desde AmŽrica Latina). Pablo Stucky has worked with Anabaptist programs in conflict transformation, peace and trauma transformation. They facilitate trainings on healthy boundaries.

Buen manejo del poder y la sexualidad en iglesias