Mennonite World Conference (MWC) gathers and equips member churches and local congregations to be the body of Christ together.
Here are some blessings leaders and congregations receive through MWC:
1. A mosaic of a growing church: As we meet international Anabaptist sisters and brothers from other traditions and locations, we are inspired by their maturity and energy, and reminded of the scope and strength of God’s kingdom. We see the fruit of those who plant seeds of the gospel far from home Ð in the past and today. Revelation 7:9Ð10.
- Read Courier magazine for perspectives and teaching on how faithful expressions of Anabaptist Christian discipleship (baptism, ordination, membership, relationship to the state, etc.) are carried out differently in local contexts.
- Be encouraged that Anabaptist churches are thriving around the world.
- Collaborate in MWC’s international networks to have a bigger impact by building God’s kingdom together around the world: Global Mission Fellowship, Global Anabaptist Service Network, Women Theologians and emerging networks for peace, education, health and more.
2. Sharing gifts in the global family of faith: Every church has gifts to share, and every church has gifts to receive, whether biblical perspectives, faith experiences, witness, music, practical skills or money. MWC provides a structure for a post-colonial global community of faith where Western and Southern churches are brother and sisters in the faith with relational and financial resources to share. Hebrews 10:24Ð25.
- Develop a mutual support relationship with a congregation in another country.
- Share in the financial support of MWC on an equitable basis with other congregations around the world. It gives us perspective on congregational budget decisions.
- Read Sharing Gifts in the Global Family of Faith to learn how to receive as well as how to give.
3. MWC Prayer Network (six times a year): Stories/news from other Anabaptists around the world help us remember that our struggles and successes are not unique. MWC members who are struggling with issues of faith and life, ministering to congregations under persecution and serving alongside different groups gives us a larger picture of the kingdom of God. Through prayer, we share each other’s burdens and encourage each other. Colossians 1:9Ð11.
- Sign up at
4. Global relationships: Churches in the Global South understand their need to cultivate relationship with other parts of the body of Christ. We are enriched by the diversity of gifts from local congregations around the world. 1 Corinthians 12:20Ð23.
- Use MWC’s resources (like the Peace Sunday package).
- Meet us in conversations on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or comment on stories at
- Take advantage of opportunities to meet MWC leaders on local visits.
- Subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter Info to receive news and testimonies from the global family.
5. Dialogue with other global Christian groups: Through interactions with Christians from other traditions, we better understand our own identity as Anabaptist Christians. Through MWC, we participate in international interchurch conversations with Lutherans, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists and other global communions. Ephesians 2:14Ð16.
- Read the reports: Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: Adventists and Mennonites in Conversation, 2011-2012, Healing Memories: Reconciling in Christ, Called Together to be Peacemakers, Baptists and Mennonites in Dialogue.
- Take inspiration and lessons from these high-level conversations to engage with other Christian congregations in your local communities.
6. Learning opportunities for youth/young adults: Young adults have opportunity to learn and grow skills for church and vocation in cross-cultural settings through the Young Anabaptists (YABs) network, Global Youth Summits and YAMEN! (international exchange program). 1 Timothy 4:12.
- Participate in a cultural exchange program for a year or to attend a Summit.
- Join with the YABs network to develop relationships with young people across cultures.
- Use YABs Fellowship Week resources to celebrate in solidarity with young adults around the world.
7. Worshipping with the global church: MWC provides opportunities to worship collectively in person or in spirit. 1 Chronicles 16:23Ð25.
- Participate in a life-transforming experience of fellowship, worship, service and learning at a global Assembly, held on a different continent every six years.
- Worship and pray together with the global family of faith each January for Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday. Resources at
- Witness to the Anabaptist way of Christ’s peace in worship on Peace Sunday in September. Resources at:
- Participate in Renewal 2027 when a worship event comes to your local area and read testimonies of Anabaptist leaders of the past and present.
- Affirm the MWC Shared Convictions by using these liturgical readings in your worship service and displaying the Shared Convictions poster, available in English, Spanish, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese
ÐA Mennonite World Conference release