
Renewal 2023

“By sharing the story of the global church, we can expand the concept of community. In the process of finding a Jesus-centred neighbourhood, not an ‘I’-centred neighbourhood, we can break down walls,” says Kkhot-Ip Bae. The Mennonite Christian from... Weiterlesen

A treasure of unity in the pearl of Africa

“MWC brings people from different cultural backgrounds together into one basket,” says Bishop Simon Okoth of Mennonite Church Uganda. A chance airport encounter allowed Simon Okoth to bring that cultural mixing to Mennonite congregations in his... Weiterlesen

Unity with a purpose

According to our MWC vision, worship is one of the purposes of being one, of enjoying a global community of faith, of being a worldwide communion. In that sense, it follows the emphasis the book of Revelation gives to worship in a multicultural... Weiterlesen

Life and faith within God’s community

We never imagined that the pandemic and its scars would affect our lives and the lives of our institutions to the extent it has. The church could not divorce itself from the difficult realities we lived through, and that still affects the “new... Weiterlesen

“Deliver us from evil”

Gebet anlässlich des 1. Jahrestages des Angriffskrieges der russischen Regierung gegen die Menschen in Ukraine 24. Februar 2023 Krieg verursacht unendliches Leid. Lokal, wo Menschen Waffengewalt, Vergewaltigungen, Tod und Vertreibung erfahren;... Weiterlesen

Pray and act for peace

“They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” (Isaiah 2:4) Christians are called into prayer and advocacy for peace. In a... Weiterlesen

Meet MWC treasurer Sunoko Lin

MWC is a gathering place for each member church to encourage and strengthen each other by sharing resources with one another.Weiterlesen

Join MWC storytellers in Abbotsford

“The beauty of listening the stories of the global church is immense,” says José Arrais. “We are all so diverse, with so complex backgrounds, with such unique dynamics between the regions, that each story is an original inspiration that all of us... Weiterlesen

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – February 2023

The church is doing well. Enjoying a period of peacefulness and growth. Since the war in Ukraine started, many refugees have come to Germany. We have been able to take care of a number of them, and about 20-25 refugees join us at the church services... Weiterlesen

It was as though they were celebrating with us

“We know that we are part of a larger community, but sharing this Sunday leads us to live it concretely,” says Sylvain Lavoué, church board vice president at Église Protestante Mennonite, Villeneuve le Comte, France. The church celebrated Anabaptist... Weiterlesen

The unlimited power of prayer

“I believe in the unlimited power of prayer,” writes the leader of a Mennonite World Conference member church in Myanmar. He was announced as a special guest for Online Prayer Hour in January 2023. However, he was unable to share about the situation... Weiterlesen

General Council learns about unity

“The unity on the conference was more important than each position,” says Paul Duck, church leader in MWC member church Convenção das Igrejas Irmãos Menonitas (COBIM) in Brazil. “We agreed to create a path or a highway, not too narrow but also not... Weiterlesen

Helping people see hope through Christ

New staff join MWC “Anabaptism is a global movement. But how do we create channels for relationship within a global body, and how do we allow the diversity of this body to shape understandings of “Anabaptist” identity and theology?” says Anicka Fast... Weiterlesen

Executive Committee approves new Commission members

“We trust it is a joy to serve the global Anabaptist family, but recognize it takes effort. We are grateful for the officers, Executive Committee and Commission members who dedicate volunteer time and care to this work,” says César García, MWC... Weiterlesen

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – January 2023

We ended the year with gratitude to God by preparing the children, youth, and ladies camp activities to be held in January-February 2023 in Villa Maranatha.Weiterlesen

How can I celebrate?

I am tired of war, conflict, hunger, poverty, division, hatred, gun violence, black and white class difference, the oppression of women, slaughter of children and women, fake news, liars and unjust authorities and leaders and so many, many issues... Weiterlesen

A gospel light in the USA

Christmas around the world Every year on 24 December, my family goes to the Christmas Eve service at Park View Mennonite Church (Harrisonburg, Virginia). It’s a traditional ‘lessons and carols’ service, where we read the Christmas Story from Luke... Weiterlesen

Jesus brings us together in our differences

How to represent Jesus in a live painting? White with a beard as he is often represented in churches? Not really! We had it in our hearts to paint a colorful Jesus, a Jesus in green, yellow, blue, white, red and orange. We are the camp “ Juntos in... Weiterlesen

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – December 2022

Siriwan Trakunhan is one of Multiply’s key national partners in Thailand. Over the years, she has served in many capacities: working at the Chiang Mai office, teaching the Bible at a juvenile detention center with Carmen Owen and Cynthia Friesen,... Weiterlesen

Assembly financial update

As the year draws to a close, MWC is finalizing the numbers on the Assembly in Indonesia. “We are very pleased to report that, as of publication time, we met the financial goal of breaking even,” says Chief Operating Officer Jeanette Bissoon. This... Weiterlesen