Renewal 2021

As we look ahead to the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement, the Faith and Life Commission will host webinars in June 2021 focused on baptism.  

The interactive webinars will provide teaching and offer opportunity for discussion about this central practice in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition: 

  • historical and theological context for baptism, focusing especially on pastoral questions surrounding baptismal practices;   
  • important questions arising from the Trilateral Dialogue on Baptism report regarding new members who were baptized as infants.
  • (Click here to read trilateral report)

Believe and Be Baptized

  Date   Session title Presenter/facilitator
Sunday 6 June 2021 #1 The Anabaptist-Mennonite Tradition: history, theology and pastoral challenges John D. Roth
Sunday 13 June 2021 #2 Giving and Receiving within the Body of Christ: Learning from the Mennonite-Catholic-Lutheran Conversations on Baptism Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld



Session length: 90 minutes

Session type: seminar; presentation followed by discussion

Session language: audio channels with interpretation in English, Spanish and French

Session platform: Zoom. Registrants will instructions to join the meeting from their computer, phone or tablet.

Register here. Note two sessions per day: choose the best time for your local time zone.

Read trilateral report


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Renewal 2028

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