Living Together - Evening Plenary: 7 July 2022

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Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus – learning together
6 July 2022

Prayers: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia
Reflection: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia; Sadanand Hembrom, Nepal
Testimony: Vikal P. Rao, India
Scripture (2 Corinthians 4:1-17): Sadanand Hembrom
Music: Mennonite Keroncong Solo
Special focus: Lord’s Supper
Speaker: Jeremiah Choi (representing Peace Commission), Hong Kong

As the only Mennonite church in the city, GKMI Solo plays an important role as a peacebuilder, especially fostering good relationships between Muslim leaders and Christians.

Assembly Indonesia 2022

The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings. The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence.