
Feeding relationships

How can an international organization sustain its work of connecting leaders around the world? One lunch at a time. The cost of one lunch in your local area can support unity in the global Anabaptist Mennonite family. You can give your contributions... Lees meer

Play rewrites story of violence

Have you ever wished you could stop and “re-play” your words and reactions? In Theatre of the Beat ’s (TOTB) current production, Unmute , you can do that. Responding to a problem exacerbated by pandemic lockdowns, Unmute addresses intimate partner... Lees meer

Caring for our brothers and sisters

To the Anabaptist Mennonites and Brethren in Christ around the globe Peace and grace from your brothers and sisters gathered around Global Anabaptist Health Network, The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant disruption, pain, and loss. We mourn... Lees meer

Renewal 2021

As we look ahead to the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement, the Faith and Life Commission will host webinars in June 2021 focused on baptism. The interactive webinars will provide teaching and offer opportunity for... Lees meer

A pastoral letter to the church in Myanmar

Sisters and brothers of the Christian church in Myanmar: the global Anabaptist-Mennonite church is praying for you. We hear your accounts of military forces torturing and killing peaceful protesters, raiding houses and destroying property. We see... Lees meer

Changes for the MWC team

Mennonite World Conference welcomes new faces and finds familiar ones in new places. MWC is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeanette Bissoon as Chief Operations Officer. She takes on the task from Len Rempel who is moving into a pastorate... Lees meer

Accountant adds friends in global church

It was 10 years ago this past January when Mennonite World Conference announced my appointment as Chief Operations Officer. I quickly received emails from several countries including Paraguay and Zimbabwe. People whom I had not yet met... Lees meer

How to join the family

“Hello! How can I join you?” This question often comes through Mennonite World Conference’s social media accounts. But what does it mean to be a member of MWC? MWC exists to be a global community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, to facilitate... Lees meer

A broader fellowship

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of Deacons, Faith and Life, Peace, Mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... Lees meer

Former Courier editor dies

God opened doors for Uruguayan Mennonite Mennonite World Conference celebrates the life of Milka Rindzinski who served Courier/Correo/Courrier magazine 1992–2008 and attended every Assembly from Curitiba in 1972 to Harrisburg in 2015. Born in... Lees meer

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – March 2021

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... Lees meer

MWC joins ecumenical week of prayer one year into COVID-19 pandemic

With a year soon past since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the spread of COVID-19 a global pandemic, Mennonite World Conference joins the World Evangelical Alliance, Salvation Army, Lutheran World Federation, World Vision and World... Lees meer

MWC and Tanzania church mourn loss of bishop

Mennonite World Conference mourns with member church Kanisa la Mennonite Tanzania on the death of Bishop Steven Mang’ana Watson on 4 March 2021 of pneumonia. He served the global family as Africa representative on the MWC Executive Committee since... Lees meer

Rely on God for everything

The story of Brethren In Christ Church Nepal First mission efforts Brethren In Christ Church (BIC) Nepal was pioneered by missionaries from the Brethren In Christ church in Bihar, India. In turn, the BIC mission station in Bihar, India, was started... Lees meer

Assembly 17 in Indonesia available to more participants through hybrid format

Following the decision to offer the 2022 Assembly in Indonesia as a hybrid event, the Program Committee members and Assembly staff are now re-imagining the event and its additional online opportunities. “The goal remains the same: to give every... Lees meer

A fresh wind of the Spirit

A “great multitude...from all tribes and peoples and languages” worship around the throne of God (Revelation 7). That vision aptly describes Mennonite World Conference. But it stands against a backdrop of disaster that feels too familiar today... Lees meer

Devotional written by women for women

In the face of the pandemic’s challenges, “we can sit around waiting, full of fear in the face of the reality we are surrounded by, or we can take advantage of the flexible time and use it as an opening to be creative and productive,” says Mary Cano... Lees meer

Fellowship is stronger than lockdowns

“Together on [Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday], we feel connected to our brothers and sisters all over the world,” says Jannie Nijwening, pastor at Doopsgezind Gemeente Zaanstreek in the Netherlands. Around the globe, congregations in the... Lees meer

Chief Operations Officer leaves for other pastures

“Over the last two years, I have felt God’s leading toward full-time pastoral ministry and I am excited to have this opportunity now,” says Len Rempel. Len Rempel will complete his service with Mennonite World Conference as Chief Operations Officer... Lees meer

MWC continues pastoral response to COVID-19

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, stories poured in from MWC member churches about job loss and hunger in their congregations and communities due to shut downs. Mennonite World Conference began collecting funds to respond to pandemic-... Lees meer