
Integrating All Areas of Life

Exploring our shared commitment to worship As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to gathering regularly for worship. Yet our tremendous diversity means that we carry out this commitment in very different... Lees meer

Indonesia: Struggling, learning, serving

The Mennonite community in Indonesia is diverse and dynamic! Discussing its origins and development may bring to mind many questions, especially for those in the Global North: How did Mennonitism take root in Indonesia? How did Indonesia become the... Lees meer

Mennonites accompany Islamic community in its religious celebration

I have been the coordinator of the Argentine Chapter of the Latin American Youth Inter-Religious Network of Religions for Peace for four years (position that I will be retiring from at the end of the year). Our community (Iglesia Anabautista... Lees meer

Delivering living water in Congo

Mbuji Mayi, Democratic Republic of Congo – A pastor in the Communauté Evangélique Mennonite au Congo has spearheaded a ministry of compassion to suffering prisoners in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Jean-Richard Muteba Wa Mbuyi spends a lot of... Lees meer

MWC launches new study of its global members

Goshen, Indiana – Nearly 30 people from 18 countries gathered at Goshen College on 29 July-02 August to launch the Mennonite World Conference “Global Anabaptist Profile.” The MWC project, which is organized and funded by the Institute for the Study... Lees meer

Young Anabaptists prepare for 2015 Global Youth Summit

Akron, Pennsylvania, USA – Preparations for the 2015 Global Youth Summit and transitions within the committee marked the annual meeting of the Young Anabaptists (YABs) Committee held here 23-28 May 2013. The committee welcomed Lani Prunés of the... Lees meer

Assembly planning and growth challenges engage MWC Executive Committee

Akron, Pennsylvania, USA – They toured the site of the next global assembly and imagined the global faith family worshipping and relating in that space. They explored ways to increase funding of Mennonite World Conference as a growing global... Lees meer

Program Oversight Committee selected for Assembly 16

Akron, Pennsylvania, USA – At meetings held here 23-28 May, the Mennonite World Conference Executive Committee confirmed the appointment of a Program Oversight Committee for the 2015 Assembly to be held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 21-26 July... Lees meer

Latin American Anabaptist Women Theologians movement celebrates ten years

Guatemala City, Guatemala – The seminar “Active and Compassionate Listening”, given by Carolyn Holderread Heggen and Rhoda Shenk Keener of Mennonite Women USA was held in Guatemala City, Guatemala, at the Latin American Anabaptist Seminary (SEMILLA... Lees meer

MWC responds to election of Pope Francis

Bogota, Colombia – After the March 13 election of Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis, Mennonite World Conference issued a letter of congratulations and also sent two of its leaders to March 19 and 20 inaugural services in Rome. In... Lees meer

European Mennonites plan multimedia project to focus on public influence and future identity

Amsterdam, the Netherlands – “A contribution to the public debate” – that’s what Fernando Enns, professor of Mennonite Peace Theology and Ethics calls euMENNet. This multimedia project aims to reveal the influence of five centuries of Mennonite... Lees meer

European Mennonite leaders seek renewal of identity as peace church

Elspeet, The Netherlands – At the annual meeting of the leaders of European Mennonite conferences, interest in creating a centre of coordination was reaffirmed. The conference leaders also gave attention to the renewal of the peace witness and to... Lees meer

Japanese church calls for ‘ring of prayers’

“Prayers like a huge ring on the earth” is what Yamanota Fukuin Church, a Brethren in Christ congregation in Japan envisions by asking churches around the world to join in prayer on March 11, 2012 for victims and survivors and all affected by the... Lees meer

Latin American Women Theologians examine violence facing women

La Angostura, Chile – The fifth gathering of Latin American Mennonite Women Theologians took place within the framework of the 15th Southern Cone Anabaptist Mennonite Congress held here January 23-27, 2013, attended by sisters and brothers from the... Lees meer

World Directory now available

This directory, compiled by Mennonite World Conference, includes churches that are rooted in the 16th century Radical Reformation in Europe, particularly in the Anabaptist movement. This faith family includes more than 1.7 million baptized believers... Lees meer

Chile hosts global family at 15th gathering of Southern Cone Anabaptists

Angostura de Paine, Chile – After a two-year delay caused by the massive earthquake of 2010, the traditional biannual gathering of the Mennonites of the Southern Cone took place in Chile for the first time, where about twenty congregations state... Lees meer

Panama’s Wounaan community receives land rights certificate

In early April 2012, members of Iglesia Evangélica Unida Hermanos Menonitas de Panamá (United Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church of Panama), requested prayer for the peaceful settlement of land claims, following a confrontation between members of... Lees meer

New website and publication changes are part of communication plan for 2013

Bogota, Colombia - At its May 2012 meetings in Switzerland, the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council approved a global communication strategy calling for changes in the reach, frequency, form and content of MWC communications... Lees meer

Baptism the focus of trilateral dialogue by Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans

An international trilateral dialogue between Mennonites, Catholics and Lutherans began in Rome, 9-13 December 2012.Lees meer

Kristina Toews to serve as MWC Web Communications Worker

Bogota, Colombia – Kristina Toews of Abbotsford, B.C. has been appointed to serve as Web Communications Worker with Mennonite World Conference. The MWC position will be the main part of her three-year assignment as a Mennonite Central Committee... Lees meer