
In Memoriam: Charles Christano (1939-2023)

He gave himself as our mentor Rev. Charles Christano, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) president from 1978 to 1984, and one of the cornerstone pastors of GKMI (Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia church) in Indonesia, died Friday, 22 September 2023, at... 続きを読む

Building resilience in church members

Like many in Zimbabwe, Sukoluhle Ncube splits her time between the city where her family lives and works, and the rural community where they farm, 40 minutes away. “Most of the people have two homes,” Sukoluhle Ncube says. “In the town, you come and... 続きを読む

Anabaptists on the streets of Zurich

On 29 May 2025, Mennonite World Conference invites guests from around the world to gather in Zurich to commemorate this beginning. “Courage to love,” the theme for the event, will mark this history and celebrate what the movement has become today... 続きを読む

What can I do to address world hunger?

Mennonite World Conference is one of 14 Christian organizations joining hands with World Vision International in prayer and action against world hunger. The third annual Weekend of Prayer and Action Against Hunger (#WoPA2023) is observed 14-16... 続きを読む

A time to act

César García, general secretary of Mennonite World Conference, received the PAX Award from Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) on 28 April 2023. The PAX award honours people who lead exemplary lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in... 続きを読む

Kenya Mennonite: a living church

After an eight-year gap, leaders and members of Kenya Mennonite Church (KMC) held its national convention in in the town of Migori in August 2023, attended by 1 300 people. A delegation from Mennonite World Conference consisted of president Henk... 続きを読む

What about the children?

For the past two years, Meserete Kristos Church has been working with communities and local institutions to restore peace between warring ethnic groups in the Nono district of the West Shewa Zone of Oromia, Ethiopia. MKC facilitated different types... 続きを読む

New tagline reinforces MWC Vision and Mission Statements

If you were to sum up Mennonite World Conference in three phrases, what would you say? MWC leadership has selected a new tag line to do just that: “following Jesus, living out unity, building peace”. “After almost one year of consultative process... 続きを読む

High water and helping hands

In December 2022, heavy rainfall caused flooding in several cities in Central Java, Indonesia. One of the most affected areas was Tanjung Karang Village, Kudus. The Wulan River overflowed, forcing hundreds of residents to evacuate their homes. Some... 続きを読む

A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in West Africa

Beloved sisters and brothers: In recent weeks we have been made aware of the escalating violent conflict in West Africa along the Central Sahel countries of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, affecting our brothers and sisters in the Evangelical... 続きを読む

Growing networks add faces in Virginia

“We also valued very much our first face-to-face meeting with the Faith and Life Commission as a whole, and Anicka Fast as in-coming secretary,” says David Wiebe, chair of GAHEN. In development for several years already, three additional networks... 続きを読む

Living everyday is a miracle

Ethiopia is a country located in the Horn of Africa. We’re unique in some ways but the same with the rest of African countries in some other ways. We’re a very poor country with a population of around 110 million.続きを読む

The rule of ayni: reciprocal relationship

In Kichwa, there is a word, ayni , that describes the rule and practice of interdependence. “One does not exist unless the community exists,” says Julian Guamán. In the Kichwa worldview, that community includes all of creation, not just humans. Ayni... 続きを読む

Uniting people through technology

Witnessing in Hong Kong and beyond Church members gather in a school auditorium, singing worship songs in both Cantonese (the mother tongue for most people in Hong Kong) and Mandarin. The Chinese languages share a script that contains thousands of... 続きを読む

We are peace-loving Mennonites

Dear MWC and Mennonite Church Canada, you are the angels sent by God to Myanmar. You fed us when we were hungry. When we are down, you comfort us. You help us when we are refugees. You bring us a ray of hope when we are hopeless.続きを読む

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2023

Mennonite Brethren Church of Malawi, invites everyone to celebrate progress and join in prayers for a bright future. At the core of their mission lies a deep commitment to establishing holistic churches throughout Malawi. With great humility, they... 続きを読む

Universally appealing core values

Meet Hiro Katano of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan Member of the Faith & Life Commission. How do you serve MWC? I have been a General Council member, representing Nihon Menonaito Kirisuto Kyokai Kyogikai (Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference),... 続きを読む

Third peace conference brings faith and peace together

“There’s something in the water among Mennonite theologians and peace building scholars and practitioners…around the decolonial project that people are drinking from now that is interesting and quite good,” says Andrew Suderman. The Eastern... 続きを読む

Sweet fellowship on Discord

Young AnaBaptists build global connection during YABs Fellowship Week Between 18-25 June 2023, young adult groups around the world celebrated the Young AnaBaptist (YABs) Fellowship Week . Themed The family I found in my salvation , young people... 続きを読む

Each in their own accent

“I learned that each participant has their own accent; it comforted me to know that having an accent is normal,” says Hens Sita, a member of GITJ Kelet, Indonesia. In advance of the Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Indonesia, IndoMenno (a... 続きを読む