
Lent 2024: Go deeper with God

Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings to you in this sombre season. Through the centuries the church has observed the 40 days leading up to Easter as a special time to focus on God, called Lent. A path to finding extra space in our lives to listen to... 続きを読む

We will continue to pray

“Praise God we had a meaningful prayer time for unity of Spirit to pray for suffering and bleeding humanity. May God have mercy over this world. We will continue pray for shared points,” says participant Rechal Bagh.続きを読む

Striving for integrity

Andre Wiederkehr, of Ontario, Canada, doesn’t have a driver’s license. That’s because he chooses not to use fossil fuels to get around. Without using a car, attending Hanover Mennonite Church on Sundays means riding 21 kilometers by bike. “None of... 続きを読む

Isolated churches seek connection

“We are here to walk together as churches so we can help each other follow Jesus,” says Arli Klassen, MWC regional representatives coordinator. She gave that message as she visited the five Caribbean countries with MWC member churches in November... 続きを読む

Less rain, less shade, more people

January to April is the rainy season in Guayaquil, a port city on the coast of Ecuador. But this past year, says Sara Noemi Viteri Moreno, a member of Iglesia Jesus el Buen Pastor (Jesus the good shepherd, a Mennonite church) in Guayaquil, it hardly... 続きを読む

Gathering of world communions focuses on God’s work

The Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions met at the Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches at Bossey, Switzerland, from 30 October-3 November 2023. To foster mutual understanding and familiarize participants with... 続きを読む

Celebrating God’s presence this Christmas

From wars to climate disasters and slower-than-expected economic recovery post-pandemic, 2023 has been a challenging year. As we navigate through these world events and ponder their impact on our lives, Christmas approaches. How do we embrace the... 続きを読む

In Memoriam: John A. Lapp (1933-2023)

Mennonite World Conference mourns the loss of John A. Lapp, who died on Tuesday, 7 December 2023, at 90 years of age. John A. Lapp was coordinator and co-editor of MWC’s Global Mennonite History Series. From 1997 to 2012, he and C. Arnold Snyder... 続きを読む

MWC calls for global energy transition

Earth in all its diversity, vitality and abundance is a gift that has been overshadowed by neglect, exploitation and unsustainable consumption. Anabaptist values, by contrast, call for stewardship (thoughtful care-taking), simplicity and the dignity... 続きを読む

Ambassadors of God’s Kingdom

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). These words of the apostle Paul are part of a letter that addresses a church audience that likely included both... 続きを読む

One new step each year

You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below! On a map of Green Churches in the Netherlands, there is a green dot for the Mennonite congregation in Aalsmeer. Another dot represents Arboretumkerk (... 続きを読む

Mennonites and the state

When we enter God’s kingdom, we receive new citizenship and are freed to experience a new kind of politics. We are not slaves of evil systems anymore. We belong to a new society where, along with other followers of Christ, we project Jesus’ image to... 続きを読む

Eco-theology reconciles the church with nature

You are invited! Join us for Climate Pollinators, a webinar series on creation care. See below! When human beings were created in Genesis, “This was the first mission of the human… to both enjoy but also to protect and take care of creation,” says... 続きを読む

Meeting Jesus in another culture

Before Esther Aguilar began her Bolivian adventure, she asked God for one thing: to teach her in a deeper sense the commandment where Jesus says, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. (…) A second is... 続きを読む

All kinds of gifts to share

“Beautiful friendships! and a better understanding of Anabaptism.” Lois Friesen from Towanda, Kansas, USA, has no doubt about what she receives through connection with the global family. “As Anabaptists we believe in community. You need people to... 続きを読む

A reconciling response to war in the Middle East

October 2023 At a time of increasing bloodshed between Israelis and Palestinians, with mounting tension between nations of the Middle East and beyond, leaders of Mennonite World Conference make three urgent appeals: That member churches of Mennonite... 続きを読む

“We start with what we have”

“The way to address inequality is treating people differently – not the same,” says Arli Klassen, MWC regional representatives coordinator. Mennonite World Conference is an organization made of members. However, financial resources vary widely... 続きを読む

Interconnected family celebrates peace

Peace (English) – Paix (French) – Amani (Swahili) – Mirembe (Luganda): children at a Uganda Mennonite church wrote “Peace” in multiple languages. (See photo below.) Each year, the Peace Commission prepares a worship resource for Peace Sunday... 続きを読む

A Christian nation?

The search for political power and privileges is increasing among evangelicals in Latin America. The close connection between some pastors and partisan politics concerns some of us as Mennonites, especially when religious Christian leaders try to... 続きを読む

A pastoral letter for peace in the Holy Land

Beloved sisters and brothers: Over the weekend the world was shaken by Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israeli lives. This crisis quickly escalated with air raids, land battles, random killings, kidnappings and war propaganda. No one is more... 続きを読む