

16世紀、当時もっとも優れた神学者たちの中に、新しい仕方で聖書を読みだした人たちがいました。テキストそのものは変わりませんでしたが、ローマカトリック教会での経験、自らによる聖書研究、そして聖霊の働きにより、彼らは神の恵みや無償で与えられる救いについて、新しい理解を発展させていったのです。 熱意をもって教会を改革しようとした人たちの中に、神学と実践をより徹底的に改革し、新約聖書に描かれるような共同体を取り戻したいと願う人たちがいました。再洗礼派として知られる人たちです。その人たちの多くが、... 続きを読む

Taking action for your neighbourhood

There is a saying that you don’t know what you have until you lose it. I would add “or until you see the real and present danger that you could lose it.” Something similar happened to our natural resources. For a long time, we had accessible clean... 続きを読む

Called to be free... faith across boundaries

My name is Eileen. I am 22 years-old and live in Switzerland. When I was asked if I could share a short testimony on the theme “Called to be free…faith across boundaries,” I immediately remembered this experience. A little more than two years ago, I... 続きを読む

Sitshokuphi Sibanda: a pioneering church planter

One of the earliest Brethren in Christ (BIC) women in Zimbabwe who was involved in church planting work and in preaching the gospel in the early years was Sitshokuphi Sibanda.続きを読む

MWC Deacons communicate the church’s care

“The Lord’s work is one of great responsibility and being careful with the blessings that come,” says a church leader from a flooded region in Peru. With 11 churches a region affected by extreme rains and flooding, the Conferencia Peruana Hermanos... 続きを読む

A Spirited gathering: MWC’s General Council meets in Kenya

“It is my wish that [during our gathering], we meet with God in the fullness of his Spirit, in the communion of his people, and the gift of unity in the midst of the theological and cultural diversity of our global church,” says general secretary... 続きを読む

Benni & Rianna: a GYS love story

Christian parents have long encouraged their sons and daughters to find a life partner at church activities. They have also encouraged their young adults to meet the global church through international experiences. Sometimes those situations overlap... 続きを読む

YABs Fellowship Week 2018

This year, we will celebrate our third annual YABs Fellowship Week June 17–24, 2018. The theme is “Called to be Free,” centred on Galatians 5:13–15. We encourage each everyone to choose and adapt these materials in a way that will be useful to your... 続きを読む

Churches together for climate justice

“Climate Justice Now!” “People Power!” “Keep it in the ground!” echoed through the corridors as I walked through the Blue Zone – the place where 197 member-states of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in... 続きを読む

New MWC network to encourage, support and connect peacebuilders

Around the world, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) member churches act out the belief that the Spirit of Jesus empowers us to…become peacemakers who renounce violence, love our enemies, seek justice and share our possessions with those in need (MWC... 続きを読む

Transformed by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of Jesus Christ

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 続きを読む

Generous love amid war in Democratic Republic of Congo

Loving the generous people of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is not difficult, but evil happening in the rural Kasaï region of that lush country is hard to comprehend. In December 2017, survivors of civil war there told a delegation from the... 続きを読む

MWC resources churches: General Council, book

Mennonite World Conference weaves a web of connections within the Anabaptist Mennonite family around the world through website, emails, social media, publishing and relations with other organizations. Here are some new connecting points. Regional... 続きを読む

Creation care: a biblical mandate

At the beginning of this third millennium, humanity confronts serious ecological problems that threaten human life and all of creation. The consequences of global warming are perceptible in every country of the world: polluted air and water, serious... 続きを読む

Overcoming barriers and building empowerment

A testimony from Regional Representative Cynthia Peacock Boundaries, barriers, blocks, bridges and empowerment have been very real to me. Through the years, I have learned to face challenges and to grow stronger in mind and beliefs. The Christian... 続きを読む

Mennonites speak against nationalism

“Nationalism is on the rise in many parts of the world,” says Juerg Braeker, general secretary of Konferenz der Mennoniten der Schweiz/Conférence mennonite suisse (the Swiss Mennonite church). “Mennonites, because of their view of the relationship... 続きを読む

Comfort food across the world

Recipe : Ugali “Ugali is a maize-meal bread-like food mostly eaten alongside chicken or beef stew, Kenyan kale and cabbage or sometimes eggs fried with onions and tomatoes. All you need to make it is water and flour, though some people use salt to... 続きを読む

Retired pastor still learning about Jesus and his people

“We have to go to school [with] Jesus,” says Erwin Cornelsen. The nearly 100-year-old retired pastor reads the Bible every day: “I’m still learning what Jesus has to teach me.” Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has always offered Cornelsen a view on... 続きを読む

A Kenyan's journey into leadership

When I was 12 years old, I was charged with the duty of secretary to our parish youths office. From that time on, I served the church, locally, nationally and internationally. My engagement with Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has shaped who I have... 続きを読む

Breakfast made with love

Recipe: Huevos pericos (Colombian scrambled eggs) Although I’m not good at cooking, I organized a typical Colombian breakfast to share with my host family. Guided by recipes my parents sent from Colombia, I discovered that things made with love are... 続きを読む