Publications & Resources

Transmission 2023 Migration

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2024

Peace Sunday 2023 – Teaching resources

Peace Sunday 2023 – worship resource

Transmission 2022 Latin America

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday 2023

共有の確信 世界のアナバプテストによる 2022

共有の確信 世界のアナバプテストによる 2022

Transmission 2021 Indonesia

Assembly News #6

Week of prayer on COVID-19 pandemic

MWC Year in Review 2020


Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church

共有の確信 世界のアナバプテストによる

Living the Christian Life in Today’s World: Adventists and Mennonites in Conversation, 2011-2012

World Fellowship Sunday 2019

Assembly News #1

World Fellowship Sunday 2018

MWC Year in Review 2018

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