
Can preaching bring peace?

The Menno Simons Sermon Prize was established by Dr. h.c. Annelie Kümpers-Greve (1946-2017), member of Hamburg-Altona Mennonite congregation in Germany, in 2008 on her conviction about the spoken word. Each year, the Centre for Peace Church Theology... Selengkapnya

Season of Creation – 4

Prayer during a time of threat We live in a world of great beauty, but also in a world under threat. Lord, we come to you in our fragility, trusting in your loving care and providence. Please receive our prayers… for those impacted by and living in... Selengkapnya

Season of Creation – 5

God of creation We come to you this season recognizing that you are the creator, and we open our eyes to the beauty that fills the creatures, the land, the air and the water. You are creator not only of humankind, but of all that graces this planet... Selengkapnya

Season of Creation – 3

Children, don’t be intimidated Written from a maternal instinct, this lament presents a mother in a rural kitchen preparing porridge for her children. Bantwana lingatshotshobali Isihlahla soxakuxaku asisanunkuli, Ibhokola emasimini alisabonakali,... Selengkapnya

Global team, one focus: planning Assembly 17 in Indonesia

New staff have begun serving Mennonite World Conference to prepare for the global gathering Assembly 17, now postponed to 5-10 July 2022 in Semarang, Indonesia.Selengkapnya

Permintaan yang tiada henti

Seperti banyak orang Mennonite lain, saya tahu persekusi yang dialami pendahulu Anabaptis di abad XVI. Seperti banyak orang Kristen lain, “ Pikullah salibmu dan ikutlah Aku,” membayangi sayaSelengkapnya

Bersolidaritas dengan Wayana di French Guyana

Juli 2019, teman saya Linia Sommer meminta saya dan suami untuk mengukur paparan komunitas mereka terhadap air raksa. Linia tinggal di Perancis Guyana (sebelah Suriname), di komunitas hutan tropis terpencil yang dinamai Taluene di bantaran sungai... Selengkapnya

Season of Creation – 2

God, Give us the power to trust each other and to choose the sustainable way that frees your creation from distress. Give us the power to share knowledge and to seek for sustainable solutions that allow future generations to live on Give us the... Selengkapnya

COVID-19 global response fund helps churches

“I have seen entire families in the garbage dumps looking to quench their hunger. I have also watched with sadness as they return the elderly from the hospitals because there are no possibilities to attend them, nor medicines to supply them,” said... Selengkapnya

Follow the fire: walking with Jesus in the Spirit’s presence

Side by side, the mighty river of Pentecostals today and the heirs of the Anabaptist stream of the Christian tradition may seem fairly remote from each other, but the underground reality is more closely connected than one would first detect. Photo:... Selengkapnya

Season of Creation 2020 – 1

Humility God of all the earth – Take us outside to your holy places. Take us out beyond our walls, Out where we can see our neighbours. Out past the garden With its ripe tomatoes and fat watermelons. Out where flowers bloom yellow and pink And sway... Selengkapnya

MWC charts course for future operations

Postpones Assembly, adjusts terms of service, financial policies “Like the Israelites in the desert, as recorded in the book of Numbers, we’re on a journey together, trusting in God’s daily provision and presence,” said J. Nelson Kraybill, MWC... Selengkapnya

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – August 2020

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... Selengkapnya

MWC undur Temu Raya ke 2022

Mennonite World Conference (MWC) memutuskan untuk menunda Temu Raya sampai tahun 2022, 5-10 Juli. Setelah berkonsultasi dengan Dewan Penasihat Nasional di negara tuan rumah Indonesia, Komite Eksekutif MWC memutuskan untuk tidak mengadakan perhelatan... Selengkapnya

MWC COVID-19 response fund reaches remote Indonesian island

For people in Sumba Island, the COVID-19 pandemic may not be their top worry. Thanks to their remote location, less than two dozen infections have been confirmed on the island as of 4 August 2020. However, the community is devastated by the economic... Selengkapnya

Remember your baptism

Trilateral dialogue report presents gifts and challenges The final report on the Lutheran-Mennonite-Roman Catholic Trilateral Conversation has been published. The report summarizes five years of theological consultations between the three communions... Selengkapnya

From teaching math to multiplying churches

School graduations, church conferences, crime awareness and prayer meetings. All these take place in our church building with participation from local churches across denominations. We have many opportunities to be peacemakers in our area, working... Selengkapnya

“Damai di hatiku”

Esuno Kokoro uchini (hati Yesus ada di hatiku). Esuno Heiwa uchini (Saya punya damai Kristus dalam hatiku). Mitsuru Ishido menulis lagu ini untuk memotivasi Nasu Keiku, anggota gereja Mennonite yang menjahit masker untuk diberikan ke pengungsi,... Selengkapnya

Building paths with those who are different

The ecumenical imperative comes from Jesus’ prayer during the passion vigil in Gethsemane. There, by way of his prayer to God, he declared his irrevocable commitment and will that Christians love one another. Jesus pleaded that his disciples “may... Selengkapnya

Grace at the heart of our witness

Early Anabaptists left or were expelled from monasteries and congregations of the Roman Catholic church. But Anabaptists retained this very monastic ideal: that it is possible – essential – for Christians to take seriously the Sermon on the Mount (... Selengkapnya