Transmission 2022 Latin America

  • Videos

The third production in the Transmission series focusing on creation care is ready for viewing. Ophelia, a Swiss woman, after living and working in Costa Rica, wondered what she could learn from her contemporaries in Latin America on the subject. The production includes stories from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador and Honduras. This production ends with challenge triggered by an enterprise in the Netherlands as a way of inspiring all viewers, young and old to think and act boldly and with vision when it comes to creation care. 

Transmission is a series of five 10-minute video productions leading up to 2025, the 500 year celebration of the Anabaptist movement. Latin America 2022 is the third in that series. With two more to go, each of the productions give voice to young adults from five continents. In each case, they grapple with issues faced as Anabaptist Mennonites. 

A study guide is provided with each video to provide added perspective and depth to faith journeys, in home study groups.

Transmission series

Transmission 2020 Ethiopia

Transmission is the title given to a series of 5 films of 10 minutes which present Anabaptist thought to people around the world to encourage a life of faith created by Affox AG, a multimedia production company. We would like to do this by providing a glimpse at the journeys we experience as...Read more
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Transmission 2021 Indonesia

In Transmission, Hani and Adi share amazing faith journeys while they relate as Mennonites (a small minority) and Muslims (a large majority) in Indonesia. Hani reflects on how she sees the face of God in the people (both Muslim and Christian) she encounters in the remote village of Tempur, high in...Read more
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