Mennonite World Conference- Congreso Mundial Menonita - Conférence Mennonite Mondiale


May 2024

In this season after Pentecost, we are continuing to follow Jesus, live out unity and build peace together.

This month, we have news

  • about the Executive Committee meetings,
  • encounters across cultures in Indonesia and Brazil,
  • studying the Bible together,
  • and retirement reflections.

See also the worship materials for YABs Fellowship Week and the calls to prayer.

May God continue to build us up into one body of Christ.

Executive Committee approves theological education and creation care grants

Continues shaping networks, adding membership and supporting learning and action in member churches Funding for theological education and carbon tax small grants was passed at the annual meeting of Mennonite World Conference's Executive Committee meeting, 8-11 April 2024 in Curitiba, Brazil. Two...
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A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in Colombia

“He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and defense.” Psalm 91:4 Beloved brothers and sisters The council of elders (Consejo de Ancianos) of Iglesia Hermanos Menonitas de Colombia calls on the global Anabaptist Mennonite family to...
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The power of hospitality and relationships in mission

In December 2023, the Integrated Mennonite Church (IMC) of the Philippines’ Mission Services Department sent a team of pastors for a one-month learning tour in Indonesia with Gereja Injili Tanah Jawa (GITJ) and Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia (GKMI) churches. “We’ve had a partnership with GITJ...
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Renewal: Awakening to a global family of faith

“Transformation in the Bible is always communal, not individual,” said César García at Renewal 2024 * in Curitiba, Brazil. It requires dialogue in the community, where diversity of position enables us to correct mistakes of the past to deepen our relationship with God in the years to come.” In this...
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Theologians and laypeople study the Bible together

“The more a congregation gathers all kinds of readers to study and interpret Scripture together, the more equipped its members will be to identify their common values and mission,” says Malinda Berry. She is developing “Anabaptist Thriving Congregations” a five-year program designed to equip...
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Every church must plan for succession

Jeremiah Choi, MWC regional representative for North Asia, retired as lead pastor of Agape Mennonite Church in Hong Kong in November 2023. Elina Ciptadi (MWC Interim Chief Communications Officer) sat down with him at the Executive Committee meetings in Curitiba, Brazil, in April 2024, to gather his...
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A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in Kenya

Beloved sisters and brothers: Our brothers and sisters in Kenya Mennonite Church have asked for prayer that the continuous rain in Kisumu County would subside. Weeks of heavier than usual rains for the season have wreaked havoc in many parts of East Africa, a region vulnerable to climate disasters...
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YABs Fellowship Week resource

16-23 June 2024
Theme: Mosaic: We are God’s handiwork Why this theme was chosen: This theme highlights our part in God’s greater purpose...
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Blessed are the peacemakers

As Christians, we may look to our Bibles to interpret today’s realities in light of long ago promises. The answer to this question is different for each faith community, ...
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Growing in faithfulness

Guide for study and reflection on Baptism and Incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church. This study guide is an aid for...
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Prayers of gratitude and intercession

In northern Brazil (Recife), an apartment building a block from the local Mennonite church fell into itself, crushing, injuring and killing several of their members. The church was grateful for MWC’s words of encouragement and asked for continued prayers as they dealt with grief, relocation of those who lost their homes and outreach.
—submitted by Cynthia Dück

Pray for the superintendent, pastors and congregations of the Cabo Delgado district, which underwent a recent terrorist attack. Pray for terrorist activity to cease in Cabo Delgado and for the church to grow and thrive. Pray also for wisdom for Bishop Mubecane Filipe Manharage as he leads the Church in Mozambique.
—submitted by BIC World Mission

Pray for the internally displaced people in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who are very vulnerable with many risks.Pray for the Mennonite churches locally and in the country who are supporting those in need.

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